Amber Sword Heart

Li Yi went in search of Frog Queen to complete the quest. Jiaojiao obeyed Li Yi's instructions and ran Frogman Quartermaster quests to activate Frogman's Reputation Value.

Frog Queen was happy to receive the hat but Li Yi was feeling a little helpless after having no quest distributed to him. 

He was cut off from Frogmen Tribe's quests again.

If it were not for Overlord Arrow, he would not bother with Frogman's Reputation Value. Great, he has bought a pile of Magical Jello but no quest to use them in.

It was impossible to raise his Reputation Value without any quests...

It was crucial for him to increase the Frogman's Reputation Value as well as obtain that Divine Jade on Frog Queen's head. To Li Yi, breaking the seal on the orange bow was more important than Overlord Arrow.