Contract in Effect

Li Yi's lips curled upwards into a smile. "If I lose, I'll destroy my Orange Quality Bow. If you lose, you'll Release your phoenix."

"The wager is good and all, but why should I bet with you? You wanna provoke me? Let me warn you, it ain't gonna work!"

Drifting Snow declined.

Imitating Drifting Snow's speech pattern, Li Yi jeered, "You're not brave enough? Didn't you say that you wanted to loot me dry? What's there to fear then? You scared?"

"Haha, me, scared? I, Drifting Snow have been playing online games for nearly ten years, and throughout that time, I've only ever feared a single person and no one else. Who do you think you are? Lil punk, don't be too arrogant. I daresay that laying low would benefit you!'

"So, are we betting or not? Just give me your answer, don't talk about anything else."