Divine Protection Spell

Li Yi had intentionally died to Drifting Snow's in their previous bout...

If he truly wanted to survive, Li Yi could have used Violent Bear King's HP increasing skill, activate the Brainwashing Helm, and burn Drifting Snow to cinders. However, the reason he restrained from doing so was to lure Drifting Snow into a false sense of security to hold the bet.

Brainwashing Helm's success rate on monsters was below 10%, and the percentage was even lower when used against bosses. However, it had a hidden effect, in which its success rate on players' pets was 100%!

Be it the pets of Summoners, Archers, Wizards, or even the ghouls summoned by Black Paladins, Brainwashing Helm could control them all. Furthermore, there was no worry of failure as it would always succeed when used against them.