Altar Stone

Li Yi's body has disappeared into thin air. From afar, Sister Windcloud Nine rubbed her eyes ferociously a few times to clear her sight, but she still failed to locate him.

"Mr. Ulumuchi is truly an all-class player… This is Thief's Stealth!" Sister Windcloud Nine mumbled to herself. This time, she really believed him.

Li Yi did not know how to use Stealth, but he did know how to make an Invisibility Potion. Even though the time for invisibility was very short, it was more than enough to trick Sister Windcloud Nine.

Li Yi had used both the Invisibility Potion and the Shrinking Scroll to discreetly creep towards the Stone Guardians.

The Stone Guardians were huge in size, and Li Yi's actions were his way to test whether shrinking himself and staying invisible would allow him to pass this area.

Since they were a bunch of stone monsters, their senses would definitely be poor.