The Truth of Huashan

There was not one, but several dozens of Tuhr Sacred Sword that were flying in the air and filled up the entire passageway.

Li Yi was confident that he could defeat one Tuhr Sacred Sword given that the cooldown period for all his skills was completed. However, was there any chance for him to succeed when he was facing more than two Sacred Swords?

Li Yi contemplated for a while before finally deciding to give up on a head-on attack. These Tuhr Sacred Swords were all real swords and not phantoms or shadow copies of each other. Launching a direct attack on them will basically mean that he was actively seeking death.

Li Yi drank a bottle of Invisibility Potion and used another Shrinking Scroll. He wanted to try and cross the area using the same trick he had used with the Stone Guardians.

Ssst ssst!