Bai Xiaoya

Huashan's Bai Xiaoya was a known junior of Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut. This name itself was a saga.

Bai Xiaoya was derived from the name Bai Xiaosheng. As she was a girl, she changed the name Xiaosheng and opted for a more feminine Xiaoya. Though there was a slight deviation in name, Bai Xiaoya's favorite pastime was compiling various odd and peculiar rankings.

Bai Xiaoya published extensively on a wide range of ranking boards, Top Ten Main Tanks, Top Ten Thieves, Top Ten Warriors, Top Ten Wizards, Top Ten Divine Weapons, Top Ten Mounts, Top Ten Pets, etc. Of course, the ranking boards she published may have nothing to do with Pantheon officials but its credibility has always been top notch.