The Mistaken Marriage

Li Yi had always regarded that Life Orb as the apple of his eye. He did not have a Space Pearl in his previous life and to prevent it dropping as a result of death, he stored it in his inventory instead of backpack.

As the relationship between him and Qian'er grew intimate, so too did the sentimental value of the Life Orb. It did not matter to Li Yi whether the item was valuable. Even if the Life Orb was a regular trashy White Quality item, he would still treasure it with all his heart.

It was only when trouble stirred in Li Yi and Qian'er's relationship that the Life Orb was returned to Qian'er...

That was the first time the duo officially broke up. However, it was not long before they got back together again.

The Life Orb, to Li Yi, was buried deep in his mind. The beautiful memory of his first love began from that orb.

"Brother, brother!"

Confused Fox called Li Yi several times before Li Yi finally came to.