Divine Weapon Rankings

There were another two days before the Soul Gate dungeon reset. Li Yi purchased a bunch of potion formulas and immersed himself in refining potions.

His Apothecary level had reached the limit of Epic-level Apothecarist and one more mastery point he would be promoted into a Legendary-level Apothecarist.

Only, the difficulty of earning that trifling 1 point left Li Yi on brink of collapse. He bought virtually every potion formula available on the market but no matter how much he refined, that last 1 point just would not come.

He had to place his hope in finding a God-tiered potion formula...

However, a God-tiered potion formula was similar to a divine weapon, a rare sight. So far, he had not seen one on the market... 

Once Li Yi finished refining three million Gold Coins worth of ingredients, he placed all refined potions in the Auction House before logging off with a yawn.