Light Messenger

Portal! Portal! Portal!

Li Yi had his eye on the portal. When Moigne first unleashed Holy Healing Skill, he caught sight of the outline of a portal appearing behind Moigne. 

He could not dash into that portal the first time due to the distance, so he made preparations in advance to rush in the moment the portal emerged. 

It was a risky experiment as Holy Light Impact was still in effect, but it disappeared temporarily when Moigne unleashed Holy Healing Skill. Because of the risk of being killed if he was a step too early or too late, Li Yi could not help but celebrate when he made it into the Dark Dimension. 

"Don't worry about me, just continue with your attacks!"

Li Yi shouted in the party channel, creeping towards the Soul King shadow while gripping his Orange Quality Bow. 

The scenery was the same as previous times — the Soul King's shadow was the source of this Dark Dimension and a mindless Pope Shirui lay motionless behind the shadow.