Soul Gate

"If only Jiaojiao were here..."

As several hundred ghouls crept out, the first thought that crossed Li Yi's mind was Jiaojiao. However, on second thought, even if Jiaojiao were here, she would not be able to control these ghouls. There was still a huge gap between the original and bogus owners. 

"God Mode!"

"Sky Vagabonds, focus your spells on my Overlord Arrows!"

Overlord Arrows carrying Inextinguishable Flames shot towards the incoming ghoul army. 

Skill Interruption!

Skill Interruption!

Skill Interruption!

Interruption interruption interruption...

Shockwaves came one after another, wiping out all five hundred ghouls... 

Fortunately, Brother Windcloud Nine managed to lure Lil Moigne away or the impact of the Overlord Arrows would affect the Soul King and Moigne, causing the situation to go out of the control. 

The army of ghouls capable of causing a TPK were annihilated by Li Yi's unlimited Overlord Arrows.