No Matter The Cost

To a public company, if the company failed to control more than 51% of the shares, it meant that they were unable to control the firm. If someone tried to pull a hostile takeover and started buying out a company's shares, when they became the largest shareholder, then the company would automatically become their property.

Wang Leitian's original scheme was also quite scummy. He wanted to shift away the company's assets, leaving an empty shell company for the shareholders. Unfortunately, out of his expectations, the Shangri-La project had suddenly made a comeback…

As business got better day after day, its development was progressing at a level that they could no longer halt.

With such a delicious piece of the pie placed right in front of him, how could he just give it up?

Before King Fifth even heard the news, Wang Leitian had already thrown his entire wealth out there, attempting to buy back the shares at high prices.