Divine Spell

Not long after Wind Frost City was destroyed, Jiaojiao arrived via Teleport and used her King's Order to rally every member of the Invincible Continent.

The two armies clashed.

In the beginning, the Invincible Continent players came in strong, easily breaking through the Assembled Gods Continent players' defense line. However, their momentum did not last long, and soon they found themselves in trouble.

The Assembled Gods Continent players resurrected on the spot as soon as they fell. They seemed to have an unlimited number of Holy Light Talismans, whereas the Invincible Continent players did not have so many means to resurrect on the spot. Once they died, they would have to corpse run or resurrect from the temples.

Faced with millions of unkillable cockroaches, even the overwhelmingly powerful Invincible Continent Army began to fall back until they scattered altogether.