Under Attack

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

More than ten thousand Steel-armored Tanks appeared and fierce fire flew everywhere. Although the tanks' cannons could not injure the players directly, the debris and dust kicked up by the ceaseless fire acted as the perfect smokescreen to obscure the enemy's vision.

The Steel-armored Tanks moved bumper to bumper, one after the other, completely plugging up all the roads toward the Celestial Capital.

Li Yi could not be certain if Ice Goddess' Sigh would work either, which was why he arranged for the tanks to make an appearance, just in case.

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The Invincible Continent players hid behind the Steel-armored Tanks, launching their ranged attacks. Since the tanks were so large that they could not even see their opponents, they were simply shooting in the dark right now, randomly throwing attacks at anything and everything.