Blademaster in the Flesh

Since Aragon last disappeared, Li Yi had not seen him for a while. 

In the eyes of others, Aragon was still in the straw, distributing quests there daily. However, to Li Yi, Aragon had long disappeared and could not be found even after turning Foreignland upside down.

He did not think Aragon would appear on Mount Pantheon. 

Li Yi bent down to check on Aragon's state and realized he had only 1000 HP remaining, and it was decreasing steadily. If Li Yi had arrived any later, he would have died here. 

Li Yi took out a bottle of Sacred Tranquility and poured it in Aragon's mouth. 

Gurgle, gurgle... 

With a bottle consumed, Aragon's complexion turned for the better. The HP bar above his head grew swiftly. 

Aragon slowly opened his eyes. "... It's you?"

Li Yi nodded. "Your Highness Aragon, why are you here?"

Handing over another bottle of Sacred Tranquility, Aragon took it and took huge gulps. 

Gurgle, gurgle...