Ruler of God’s Palace

There was a special effect on Emperor Sword that Li Yi had yet to unlock. Now that the sword was in the hands of its former owner, its most mysterious property was revealed. 

Li Yi followed Aragon into the Death God's Palace and displayed before them was the ten Superior Gods kneeling on the ground, trembling in fear. 

"Buzz buzz..."

The Emperor Sword shimmered in brilliant white light. It was the power of this sword that threw these ten gods on their feet. 

The Emperor Sword was a divine weapon bestowed by the Ruler of Gods. It was not just effective on mere mortals but gods as well. 

Aragon heaved. "Quickly, this sword can't hold up for long..."

Without any hesitation, Li Yi transformed into a Lightning Leopard and sprinted ahead. 

The Emperor Sword may be able to restrain ten gods, but it would not be for long. These ten gods could break free at any given moment. 

Bolt out of there, bolt away!