World Authority

"This can't be! I already killed you for certain, so how could you…?"

Aragon looked at Ghostly Walker in horror, eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why are you surprised? If you can do it, why can't I?"

Ghostly Walker waved his hand casually, creating a powerful force that pushed Li Yi and the others ten meters away.

He was even stronger than Aragon!

Ghostly Walker walked toward Aragon, who was so terrified that he began to rub his hands together quickly.

"Creation Authority— Life Replication!"

A bolt of divine light shone at the ground, and the white substance stood up again. This time, however, it did not go as smoothly as it had when he had replicated Li Yi and company. The white substance struggled for a long time, but it simply could not turn into Ghostly Walker's image.

Ghostly Walker harrumphed coldly. "The Ruler of God is the only one of its kind. Auld, how could you dream of replicating me? What a joke."