King of Pantheon (The End)

The grand spectacle of the God Wars ended…

To many players, it was no surprise that Li Yi became a god.

What was surprising was that Li Yi became the Ruler of God, not just any regular god.

...What was the Ruler of God?

It was an existence that could use all Authority Powers and could affect the game's balance all on their own.

Hmm, to put it simply, he was equivalent to a GM or game manager.

As Li Yi went on an Ascension spree, making all his friends into gods, he received a reminder from the Pantheon developers, asking him to watch out for the game's balance. Otherwise, when the new power systems were implemented, the Ruler of God's powers would be reduced.

Li Yi only stopped making others into gods when he received the warning. After The Mountain mentioned something, he added Scumbag Wang to their ranks in the end as well.