Fortune Telling

The next fight would be in Devil's Toilet. There were 2 giant devil statues at opposite edges of the room with their tongues stuck out, meeting each other in the middle. The fighting would be on the tongues, below was deadly acid that would melt your body. If you fell down, you'd be melted down to bones.

Kalan knew Yamcha wasn't the next fighter's opponent so he took over. Next was the mummy fighter with a wave of his hand, he sent the mummy fighter flying and crashed into the wall. Fortune Teller Baba was shocked by Kalan's strength and stared at Kalan in a daze.

Next fighter was Devilman, Kalan did the same and with a wave of his hand, sent Devilman flying and crashed into the wall. He was unconscious so Kalan won the fight against the 4th fighter as well.

Next was the 5th fighter, Kalan saw a man with a halo. It was a man in white dougi with a big mustache. Kalan recognize the man, it was Mutaito, the man who sealed King Piccolo and saved the world. He was also Turtle Hermit and Crane Hermit's master.

"M-Ma-Master?!!" Master Roshi shouted in surprise.

"Roshi, you've created your own school and continued passing down your martial heritage. I, as your master am proud of you. Unfortunately, Shen has deviated from his path..." Mutaito sighed and shook his head.

"Baba-sama had divined your coming, thus I took the opportunity to return to the living world for a day and meet my student. Unfortunately Shen did not come, Roshi, I hope you can correct Shen's wrongdoings and bring him back to the path of justice." Mutaito asked Master Roshi.

The group upon hearing Mutaito's name was shocked, it was after all the great martial master Mutaito who defeated King Piccoloand restored peace to Earth 300 years ago .

Kalan wasn't really interested in their talks, but he did notice that Mutaito was a lot stronger than Master Roshi. After the two finished talking, the fight began. Kalan wanted to see Mutaito's accomplishments in martial arts and clashed with him for a few bouts. There wasn't anything worth learning, so Kalan jumped back and waved his hand, sending Mutaito flying to the wall. Although he crashed into the wall, he did not get knocked unconscious. But Mutaito clearly noted the huge gap in their abilities and admitted his defeat.

Fortune Teller Baba stared dumbly at Kalan, still dazed from thre three waves of his hand to defeat the last three fighters. The Devilman was already really strong, but Mutaito was even stronger! He was able to fight King Piccolo twice without dying at his hands. It was only due to him performing Evil Containment Wave which was beyond his abilities and sealed King Piccolo that he died.

Master Roshi stared dumbly at Kalan, snot hanging down his nose. He as Mutaito's student had a much better understanding of his teacher's strength. He now knew that Kalan had held back during the fight in WMA.

"Kalan managed to easily defeat Master Roshi's master?! The great Mutaito who defeated King Piccolo!?" The group was shocked by how easily Mutaito was defeated. Just a wave of his hand and Mutaito was sent crashing into the wall.

"Hehehe! Of course Kalan in amazing!" Bulma hugged Kalan's arm happily. Kalan was both handsome and strong, if only he spends more time with her, he would be the perfect boyfriend.

Fortune Teller Baba jumped down her floating crystal ball and waved her hands around it. The crystal ball reflected the scene of a car parked at the side of a road, Pilaf was holding onto a case with his two subordinates, Mai and Shu looking at a screen with a long satellite antenna. Next to them were a picnic basket on a blanket.

"The ball is inside this case." Fortune Teller Baba said.

"Ah?! It's Pilaf! So they were hiding the dragon ball! Where are they?" Goku recognized the group.

"They're over 200 km in this direction." Baba said and pointed in a certain direction.

Goku jumped on his Flying Nimbus and went for Pilaf's gang. After awhile, he came back waving the dragon ball. He brought Upa up the cloud and went to Upa's dad's grave, Goku intended to summon Shenrong there and revive Upa's dad.

The sky turned dark for awhile before turning bright again. After some time, Goku came back flying on his cloud. The group asked about his adventures and Goku told them how he first went around looking for his grandpa's dragon ball, he then met Upa and Upa's dad. Tao Pai Pai then killed Upa's dad who fought to protect Goku. He fought and destroyed the Red Ribbon army to gather the dragon balls to wish for Upa's dad to revive.

The group was amazed that Goku was strong enough to destroy the Red Ribbon army singlehandedly.

Master Roshi then said he had nothing more he could teach Goku and told him to travel around the world without using his cloud. Kalan told Goku to train his tail, since he thought it would be interesting if Goku manages to keep his tail. Goku nodded and quickly ran away.

"But if that happens... Vegeta wouldn't dare to throw a Power Ball to transform into a great ape. Well who cares, I look forward to seeing how the Dragon Ball Z story unfolds in my world." Kalan thought inwardly and smiled.

"Hey Fortune Teller Baba. Help me divine." Kalan said.

"...Fine, my fighters are no match for you." Baba said helplessly. Kalan had managed to defeat her 3 strongest fighters with simply waving his hand to generate a strong wind that smashed them into the wall and knocked them unconscious.

"Tell me where to find satisfying opponents." Kalan said what had been on his mind for awhile now.

Fortune Teller Baba took a long time to divine on her crystal ball.

"I believe your answers lie in the Other World." Fortune Teller Baba had a serious look.

"Are you telling Kalan to die?!" Bulma seemed to have misunderstood. The Other World usually was the place where the dead went.

"What?! You mean, there's no one in the world that can be an opponent for Kalan?!" Master Roshi was surprised. He believed Kalan was the strongest on Earth from Fortune Teller Baba's words.

Yamcha looked surprised but also very happy to know that Kalan was the strongest martial artist on Earth. Being able to join his dojo was much better than studying under Master Roshi! Krillin was amazed, he had always thought that even though Kalan had won the WMA twice, he would still not be Master Roshi's opponent.

"Ah?! Why did I not think of it!!" Kalan slapped his head, he remembered when Goku died in Cell Saga, he even went on a tournament in the Other World and met many strong beings of the universe.

"Oh, yeah. Help me divine another thing." Kalan thought of Yamoshi, he didn't know how he was doing after all these years. Maybe he had even gotten over his sadness.

"Another thing? Your first divination really was exhausting." Fortune Teller Baba looked helplessly at Kalan.

"Come on, it's the last thing." Kalan persisted.

"Alright, alright. Tell me." Fortune Teller Baba said.

"Can you find Yamoshi?" Kalan asked.

This time Fortune Teller Baba divined very long until she was completely exhausted.

"No. I can't find this person. It's like he does not exist in this world. Are you sure he exists?" Panting heavily, Fortune Teller Baba said.

"How can he not exist?! I saw him 6-7 years ago!" Kalan shouted in surprise.

"There's nothing I can do." Fortune Teller Baba shook her head.

The group were interested in who Yamoshi was, but Kalan simply shook his head without giving any explanation.

Since there was nothing he could do, he just let it be. Kalan intends to tour the world now. Having some company wasn't so bad either, he looked at Bulma and smiled.