King Kai Long Time No See!

"Oh, that should be Misa." Kalan saw a sad looking human girl sitting next to Shura.

Ignoring all the demons, Kalan calmly walked up the stairs and up toward Misa.

"Human! How dare you tresspass here!" A few demons upon seeing Kalan's rude behavior lashed out and blocked Kalan's path.

"Impudent!" Mera bellowed angrily. But before she had the time to say another word, Kalan made his move.

"Scram!" Kalan shouted and suddenly a shockwave blasted at the dumb demons, reducing them to dust.

Kalan's action provoked the demons, hundreds of them slowly surrounded Kalan in a cautious manner. They weren't able to even see how Kalan had killed those demons. Most likely it was the shout that killed them, but it was so unbelievable that the demons could not believe it. Otherwise, none of them would have dared to surround Kalan.

"Mera, what's the meaning of this?" Shura frowned and turned to Mera.

"Lord Kalan holds King Enma-sama's personal medallion." Mera honestly told Shura.

"What?! King Enma-sama's personal medallion?!" Shura was shocked, although he was also called a King, but compared to the great King Enma-sama, he was nothing.

"Stand down!" Shura hurriedly ordered the demons to back down.

"There's no need. Die!" Kalan shook his, waving his hand, he spread out his Ki and ground all the surrounding demons to dust. Due to the large difference in power, Kalan did not need to explode his Ki to kill them, simply having his Ki grind them to dust worked as well. Kalan did not care, in fact, killing the demons would be considered a good deed. They had killed and pillaged the villagers every day. Terrorizing the humans ever since King Shura had opened the door leading to Earth.

"You!" Shura looked angrily at Kalan, but also cautiously. Kalan had turned hundreds of demons to dust in an instant. Even he wasn't anywhere close to his power. He wasn't dumb enough to rush down and attack Kalan.

There were several hundreds of demons celebrating Shura's wedding, now only a few dozens remained. The remaining demons ran away as fast as they could, they couldn't care any less about King Shura.

"Ah!" Princess Misa yelled in shock upon seeing the several hundreds of demons suddenly turn to dust. At first she was worried about the human, Kalan who had come here. But now she was staring at the man in wonder.

"Misa, your parents are worried about you. It's time for you to go home." Kalan smiled and pulled Misa with him. The two left King Shura's quarters, Mera hurriedly ran after them, she did not care to explain anything to King Shura. She was equally shocked by Kalan, but it also gave a reason for why Kalan would hold King Enma-sama's personal medallion.

They quickly reached the entrance, Kalan wanted to see if he could pull out Shura's sword without defeating him. He beckoned the sword with his finger and the sword was pulled out with his telekinesis.

Mera was shocked as she knew Kalan had not defeated Shura, but considering the shocking power he had showed earlier. She did not think it was an impossible for Kalan to simply pull out Shura's sword.

Mera and Gora sent Kalan off as the door slowly came to a close. King Kress and his entourage cheered upon seeing Kalan come out with Princess Misa and seeing the sword pulled out with the entrance to the Demon Land closing.

The King and Queen hurriedly ran forward and hugged Princess Misa. The three of them passionately thanked Kalan and invited him with them back to their carriage.

"How weird... This kingdom here look so medieval like... I can't find any machines at all... The soldiers are all wearing medieval iron armors..." Sitting inside the carriage, Kalan looked around and thought. In the cities and towns he had been to before, there usually were some semblance to modern times, but here, everything seems to be so historical and ancient.

Back in the castle, the King passed down the orders to his subjects to spread the news that the Demon Land's entrance was once again sealed. No more demons would come out to kill and pillage their kingdom anymore. The castle was filled to the brim, all the soldiers and villagers had gathered together to celebrate. Kalan naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to have a good meal. As usual, Kalan's eating caught many people's attention, but considering him being the hero, no one cared however much he ate. The king was especially happy and continuously ordered his chefs to cook more dishes for Kalan.

Kalan stayed for a few days in their kingdom and went around to repair the pillaged towns and villages. His title in their kingdom as Hero Kalan changed to Great Deity Kalan after his actions of flying, materializing and repairing in a few moments.

Kalan had finished his object and would naturally not stay more than necessary. He continued touring the world to make himself more famous.

Another year passed and Kalan learned that he now gained an average of 800 Origin Energy per year.

"System how much Origin Energy do I have?" Kalan asked.

[Beep! The system currently has 9,038 Origin Energy. A total of 815 units of Origin Energy has been converted this year.]

"Which means... in 2 years I'll be able to fuse the Ancient Saiyan bloodline!" Kalan thought excitedly.

"Good! I don't think there's any meaning in me continuing doing this anymore. Next, I simply need to defeat Cell and be crowned the savior of the world." Kalan smiled. Cell wouldn't be coming until many years later though.

"Let's have some battles now! Real battles!" Fortune Teller Baba had told Kalan that he would find satisfying opponents in the Other World. So Kalan decided to head over to King Kai and ask him to introduce him to strong fighters.

Decided, Kalan immediately teleported to King Kai's planet.

"King Kai, long time no see!" Kalan happily greeted. He appeared on the road and saw King King driving his car just in front of him.

"Ahh! Get out of the way!!" King Kai shouted while frantically waving his hands sideways. He was driving his car as usual when suddenly Kalan appeared right in front of him. He didn't even have the time to break.

*Bang* The bumper crashed into Kalan, the hood was distorted and bent in unnatural ways. It was like it had hit an iron pole, the middle of the hood was indented several tens of centimeter deep. Thick grey smoke came out of the ruined hood. Kalan was so strong the car had no effect on him at all, he didn't even feel hurt.

"AAAH!! My car!!" King Kai held his chest and cried out painfully. He hurriedly ran out to check the hood and fainted upon seeing the damage.

"Uh..." Kalan looked at the fainted King Kai guiltily.