One Year Later

2 Months passed, Goku's piddling 800 battle power rose to over 4,000 with the constant spars and Zenkais, he also did a bit of gravity training, but that wasn't his focus as Kalan wanted him to spar more and quickly increase his battle power so he could traverse the Snake Way faster. Kalan believed Goku had the best chance to be given permission by King Enma as a living person going to Snake Way.

"Goku go find Kami and ask him to bring you to King Kai. Don't forget to ask King Kai to help calculate the Saiyans' arrival for us. He can talk to us with telepathy." Kalan turned Goku's gravity chamber to a capsule and handed it to him. Although Kalan could also contact King Kai, he wanted Goku to get to know King Kai as he might be of some help to Goku in the future.

"Right, you'll also need food, take these." Kalan gave Goku a few storage capsules filled with food.

"Okay, I'm leaving!" Goku waved and flew toward the Lookout.

Another month passed, but Raditz was nowhere close to finishing the basics. Kalan didn't feel like dragging on anymore as there were only about 9 months left, according to King Kai. Goku had already reached King Kai, thankfully Goku was a lot stronger now, King Kai's new planet was much larger and the gravity was 20x. But Goku quickly adapted to it and was now learning King Kai's martial arts.

"Everyone gather, I'll teach you more advanced martial arts now." Kalan called everyone over and started teaching King Kai's martial arts.

Everyone listened closely to every word Kalan spoke, but Raditz looked confused, he was nowhere near to being ready to learn more advanced martial arts when he had not even learned the basics of Kalan's dojo. But the gravity chamber had quite a good effect on his Saiyan physique, although he could not tell how much his strength had increased, he could vaguely tell it was quite a bit higher by the current gravity his body could handle.

Gohan had gotten better with the 3 months of spars, he now moved naturally and smoothly. His moves were quick and almost reflexively, with the constant beatings, his moves were deeply ingrained into his bones. Luckily Gohan was very smart, he had no trouble learning King Kai's martial arts unlike the dumb Raditz. Although Kalan had guided Gohan a bit to help his learning.

Piccolo had a wide smile plastered on his face, the brutal beatings and gravity training had greatly enhanced his battle power. But in other people's eyes, it looked like he was a masochist enjoying Kalan's brutal beatings.

Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu and Krillin often sparred among themselves, Kalan would also occasionally bring out a clone and spar with them. They also trained their bodies in the gravity chamber, their battle power had by now increased substantially, they would also occasionally spar with Raditz, originally he had been arrogant, but as time passed, the four got stronger and stronger at a much faster pace than him. Now, the three of them could beat Raditz when they fought against him. Although it was four vs one, but considering the low battle power they had in the beginning, just a few hundred in battle power. Now they their battle power had risen by a lot. Raditz began fearing he would soon lose to them in a one on one battle if this continued. He was shocked by how effective the martial arts were for the earthlings, he started focusing much more on learning martial arts. His inferiority complex would not let him simply watch as these weaklings surpassed him.

Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu and Krillin took turns teaching Raditz martial arts.

9 Months passed, the Saiyans would soon be arriving. The group had originally been worried sick, but with their newfound strength, all that could be seen in their shining eyes were confidence.

Piccolo and Tien Shinhan had learned Kaioken from Kalan. Since they weren't Saiyans, Kalan let everyone but Raditz and Gohan learn Kaioken, but only Piccolo and Tien Shinhan was able to learn it so quickly. Yamcha, Chiaotzu and Krillin would need a lot longer before they could master it, the gravity training also helped them greatly in using it as they needed strong bodies to use the Kaioken.

Gohan was Kalan's main focus in training, the spars had gotten more brutal as Gohan's strength increased, his reflexes, Ki Sense and Ki Control increased. They also trained in gravity chamber, though not with too high gravity as Gohan was too young to bear too great stress to his body. Gohan was very talented, his progress pleased Kalan very much, he was only weaker than Piccolo in the group.

Raditz hadn't learned a thing of King Kai's martial arts, but he had learned a substantial amount from the basics, though not everything, but that bit was enough to give his battle power a good increase.