The Trail (1)

"Alright time to pair up!" Lin Yu Yan looked over them and was thinking about who pairs up with who.

"Okay, I want Chu Yang with Gu Xiang. Gu Xiang, you may be stronger than her in rank but she has way more experience than you. I can tell by the constant injuries I see in your flow of qi and how more controlled you are with your qi." Chu Yang and Gu Xiang nods.

"Next, I want Zhang Haocun and Xie Rong, Li Dan E with Zhao Meiying, Jin Baoyu with Tong Kenzhi, Wei Ru with Wu Lang, and Peng Ai with me."

"Lin Yu Yan, why are we paired up in the first place?" Wu Lang asked and everyone in the room was also curious.

"Well, we are doing a lot of things. First, survival. We are going to my house. I was able to make it through the forest because I concealed my presence and paid very close to my surroundings. But now, YOU won't be concealing your power. Pay attention to your partner and work as a team."

Lin Yu Yan points in 5 different directions. "Each group will go in these directions."

"But there are 6 groups and 5 paths?" Xie Rong was the one who asked.

"Because Wu Lang and Wei Ru are coming with me. Their rank is too low and their lives may be lost if they go alone. I planned to not be grouped with someone and get home on my own once I was done explaining everything, but it seems there was a good number of cultivators and you eleven had great potential to grow even bigger than the rest." Lin Yu Yan looked over in different directions.

"Each one of you has a different path to get to my house. Each pair will collect 5 herbs. Here is a list in detail on where they are and how they look like. I had around a hundred lists of herbs but these should be the best out of the list of herbs I need and for you to improve your movements.

If you encounter people, run. My home is very inconspicuous so it will be hard to find it but the list also has a description of how you can find it. If you can't escape, somehow stick with them or do anything to get rid of them. I'm okay with killing them. I'm sure you guys can do something about that.

This training is specifically for you to fight beasts, spiritual beast or not but there are many creatures in this forest. I need you to get 6 hearts of any spiritual beasts for each group. You may get, at most, only 2 of the same kind. By the looks of every one of you, You guys know how to read so everything you need to know is on that list.

You also need to level up at least one star, and for the younger ones, reach the lowest rank, Martial Warrior."

Lin Yu Yan tells each group which direction they need to go. Everyone was amazed at how detail and how knowledgeable Lin Yu Yan was with the Unknown Forest. Not many people know about the Unknown Forest, hence why it's called the Unknown Forest.

Lin Yu Yan took a week to explore the forest, based on the notes the Lu Yu Yan wrote down when she explored it. She only has a little amount of information about the forest but Lin Yu Yan took only a week to explore most of the forest. Which is how she was able to meet Luo Bojing's family.

Lin Yu Yan has a good memory and she remembers where the herbs are and which one she needs to heal her face and heal those who are injured in the spiritual space ring and to help them start cultivating. Which is why she can fight so well from remembering movies and in her club from her previous life.

"Okay everyone, you all should get to my house no less than 3 days. Tell me what you have to do."

"We have to find 5 herbs in the list you gave us." Chu Yang answered.

"We have to get 6 beast hearts, no more the 2 of on kind." Xie Rong said this.

"Level up at least one star, or reach a rank for the younger ones." Zhao Meiying said it.

"Make it home in 3 days." Tong Kenzhi said.

"If encounter other people. Use all means to get away or get rid of them." Gu Xiang answered.

"Survive." Wei Ru said. It was the first time he said anything the whole time he was with them. Everyone thought he was mute because he hasn't said a word.

"Yes… Make it home safe, see you in 3 days. Go." and they start moving.