The Suspects (1)

Lin Yu Yan's arm was bleeding from the small scratch. She was confused, 'The sword didn't even touch me unless it's… a spiritual weapon.'

She notices the slight energy barely in the sword. What she did next shocked the leader and everyone else watching.

Lin Yu Yan quickly somehow was in front of the evil man, hitting his hand holding the sword, making him lose his grip and dropping the weapon. It happened so fast, the man wasn't able to keep up.

Lin Yu Yan grabbed the sword before it hit the ground and moved back as quickly as when she was in front of him and held the sword to inspect it. It happened too fast for everyone's brains to process what happened.

Lin Yu Yan inspected the sword and carefully lifted it. 'This is a spiritual weapon.' She smiles because she was thinking about how she can make it better. "This is how you used the sword."

Using a little bit of her qi, she swung it down on the man slicing his body. The sword left out a powerful slash of light cutting the man and killing him. His scream was horrendous and could be heard in the distance. Before the man was slashed, he felt the chill in Lin Yu Yan's eyes and knew at that moment, he will be dead.

And that was how the man died, killed by his own weapon and used by the only victim he let escaped. Lin Yu Yan just turned around making sure everyone was here and leads them to the way to her house and their new home.

"Okay, everyone, good job. Now let's go home."


The air in the room was heavy. Lin Yu Yan, Wang Ping, and Wang Haocun sat around the table. Xie Rong, Chu Yang, and the rest just stood around them.

Lin Yu Yan's face was very tense. Wang Ping was surprised and Wang Haocun was looking down.

"So you are the 1st prince of the Wang Empire?" Lin Yu Yan asked Wang Haocun and then looked over at Wang Ping (3rd), "And he is your older brother?"

Wang Ping nods his head, a little intimidated by Lin Yu Yan's voice and expression.

"So you were there when my father rebelled at age 7, Haocun?"

He nods and then explains his story to her. Lin Yu Yan listened with her eyes closed.

"So I'm sure your father is still alive," Haocun said looking straight into her eyes.

"I know he is still alive. My mother is too."

Everyone was shocked by hearing that information. She calmly said it too.

"I know my father is still alive. You were only age 7 but my father was an old man. He was WAY stronger than you. By the looks of my uncle and what rank he was, I know he didn't kill my father."

She was very confident.

"Based on the issue that occurred in the forest, someone is after me."

She looked over at the 3rd prince. "Wang Ping, you said it was the Imperial concubine? Li Muqiu? The mother of the 4th prince, Wang Hongbin…"

She looked in her memories and was trying to think about what was going on with her. She remembers her mother complaining about the Wang emperor.

"If I remember correctly, my mother always complained about the Wang Emperor. I remember her saying to my father that he would visit the Lu residence every day to meet my father but would give her side glances and sometimes give her expensive items."

She was thinking even more, "Gosh, he was trying to steal his friend's wife!? That's why Li Muqiu was so jealous! She was taking out the competition of becoming queen. That is why she suggested you to fight my father, Haocun."

She looked over at Haocun. "She probably highly recommended you to fight my father to get rid of you."

"And she was the one who gave us the drug incense saying it was an expensive incense from a faraway place." Wang Ping added.

"Now, I'm even more confident my mother is alive and well. She's not strong enough to kill her." Lin Yu Yan smiles.

"That's why the 2nd prince is dead. She must have given him poisoned and he got killed." Meiying said.

"And all the younger family members are good-for-nothings. Because she poisoned the other concubines of the Emperor's harem when they were pregnant with his child." Xie Rong added.

"Umm…" Li Dan E said in worry. "I just going to tell you this just because I also hate her but… She is my aunt…"