Unknown Beauty (1)

It was almost time for the Emperor's birthday party. Lin Yu Yan has been invited but didn't want to go. The Emperor, the Imperial Queen, and the 3rd prince insisted for her to go and not to worry about the Lu family and she would be seated at a different table. They wanted to get to know more higher class people.

Meiying and Li Dan E wanted to check out the city and moved over to the city house for the week. When they found out Yu Yan was going to the party, they decided to go look for clothes for Yu Yan.

Lin Yu Yan forgot to tell Meiying and Li Dan E about the slave traders and how they could still be around the city and went to find them in the marketplace to inform them.

The people around Yu Yan were staring at her. They were shocked, awed, and surprised to see such a beautiful woman. They started whispering about her in different ways,

"Who is she?"

"She's beautiful..."

"Where's she's from because she's an angel!"

"Why is she so pretty?"

"Hey, is that the unknown beauty? The one everyone is talking about?" said a lady, talking loudly. She was talking to her friend and her friend also looked at Yu Yan and stared at her.

More people around heard them talking and turned to see who the unknown beauty is. Yu Yan looked around and saw a lot of people's eyes were on her. There faces in surprise, jealousy, and astonished by her beauty.

She had her veil in her pocket just in case and extra clothes in the space ring. So she got out of there and hid in an alley changing her clothes and putting on the veil again.

She looked around for Meiying and Li Dan E some more but couldn't find them. She got worried and went to visit Mo Chung Da (Master Mo of Mo Pharmacy) since she hasn't been there in a while and ask maybe if they know where they are.

She heads in the Pharmacy and asks the clerk if she can meet Mo Chung Da and Mo Tianhua (granddaughter). The clerk recognizes the voice and the veil so he heads out back to get them and Tianhua comes running out.

"I missed you, Yu Yan! How've you been?" she said hugging Yu Yan tightly. "Meiying and Li Dan E are here too."

"Perfect, I was trying to find them," said Yu Yan, sighing. Mo Tianhua was disappointed because that wasn't what she wanted to hear from Yu Yan but Yu Yan then added, "I missed you too, Tianhua."

They head to the back of Mo Pharmacy where she also said hello to Mo Chung Da.

"Master Mo, Long time no see!" Lin Yu Yan said hugging him as well. Mo Chung Da is more like a grandfather to her than her own, so she was glad she got to see him again. Mo Tianhua went to get some tea ready and some snacks for her guests.

"It's nice to see you again, little one," said the old man smiling.

They had a good talk catching up and she was able to tell him about where he met Meiying, Li Dan E and the others. He was sad to here they were taken in as slaves but he did tell the girls if they need help, come to him. Meiying ad Li Dan E was happy to hear that to the point they even cried a little.

Yu Yan was able to tell Meiying and Li Dan E about why she came to find them and tell them to be careful. Mo Tianhua came back with the tea and the customers at the pharmacy were talking loudly when she opened the door.

"Why is it so loud today?" Li Dan E asked.

"They are talking about the unknown beauty that was seen a couple days ago," said Tianhua.

"Unknown Beauty?" said Meiying.

"Yeah. A couple of days ago, the people were opening up their business for the day, saw a beautiful woman. They lost sight of her but then saw her again going to the Unknown Forest. That's why they called her the Unknown Beauty because she went into the forest and because no one knows who she is," said Tianhua.

Li Dan E was thinking, 'Maybe it's Yu Yan?' But before she said anything, Mo Chung Da notices the scar on Lin Yu Yan's face has disappeared.

"Xiao* Yan, your scar is gone now," he said and Mo Tianhua looked over and saw it too.

"It is gone, Yu Yan. Wow…" Tianhua got closer and notice her skin is very smooth. "You have such smooth skin now!"

"Oh, right," said Yu Yan. She took off the veil to show that the rest of her scars have also healed. "Meiying made a grade 3 Beauty pill and It got rid of my scars." Lin Yu Yan also lifted her sleeves to show them the scars on her body has also disappeared. Mo Chung Da and Mo Tianhua stared at her in surprise before saying anything.

"Yu Yan…" said Tianhua. "So you are the Unknown Beauty then!? You are so beautiful!"

"Huh? Me? The townsfolk were talking about me?" Lin Yu Yan said. 'It makes sense now, no wonder people were looking at me weird... Sigh, no not again…'