Emperor's Banquet (5)

"Haha! Of course, it would be her!" snickered Gu Wang Shu, facing her friends.

But Lin Yu Yan just sat there, sipping on her drink, with no change of expression. Everyone was quiet, waiting for her response and all you could hear was the sipping of her tea, with her back facing all of them. None of them could see her face but could feel the calm expression in the air.

She turns around to see that everyone was looking at her and just says, "Wang emperor, the tea you provided today is indeed delicious." The Emperor was surprised by Lin Yu Yan's response. She was calm and collective with no fear and the fact she complimented on the tea he took forever to find made him question his decision of making it such a big deal.

Lin Yu Yan then stands up to look at everyone, "So about the necklace…I didn't steal it."

But before she could finish her sentence, one of the princess threw food on her outfit. "Yeah, right! I saw it too," said Shing Lijuang. "She swiped it right off your neck when you turned around to face the lovely family at the same table, Wang Empress!"

The queen was now confused. She favors Shing Lijuang a lot not only because they almost have the same name but Shing Lijuang was originally engaged to the first prince of Wang, Wang Haocun, so she was very close to her until her son died and now engaged to the Teo prince.

"Now that I think about it… My neck did feel a lot lighter after I finished talking to her…" said the queen. But it was unbelievable, the Emperor and the Queen knows she wouldn't do that because they even offered her money and different possessions way more expensive the jewelry but she didn't take any of it.

Then Wang Tingshi and Teo Wing pour cold tea over Lin Yu Yan's head. "Tsk. Lying little girl. You shouldn't lie to the Empress of Wang!" said Teo Wing.

"I always knew you were trouble the moment you stepped in the palace!" said Wang Tingshi laughing.

Wang Haobin walked up to Lin Yu Yan and said, "I know we were engaged but you showing up here isn't going to make me change my mind," adding another ingredient to the disaster.

Lin Yu Yan was furious, 'You thought the reason I was here was because you think I'm in love with you? Tsk, in your dreams!'

"Haha, you're too ugly for the crown prince!" said Shing Li Ren.

"Hahaha! You never had a chance!" laughed Teo Dewei.

"Mother Empress, Father Emperor! she would never do this!" cried Wang Ping.

But the Emperor had to be fair so he goes and commands the guards to seize her, even if it was his own child stealing from him. "Seize the thief!"

"Hahaha! I did say she was a useless child!" Lu Dao Fang said to his friends and the elders.

"My god, I'm glad she isn't my granddaughter!" said General Lu mocking her.

Lu Tian Tian's big finale is coming up. She stops the guards and slaps Lin Yu Yan in the face removing the veil covering her face. But Lin Yu Yan's hair covered her face so no one was able to see how she looked like.

"Don't touch my big sister!" said Silver, desperately trying to escape the guard's grasp.

"You thought you could of gotten back with the Crown prince because you wore a couple of expensive clothes? You will always be the poor, ugly, good-for-nothing, woman no one will love!" Lu Tian Tian said loudly so everyone could hear. She stood next to the 4th prince and grabbed his arm to make her jealous.

"We've heard the rumors. You are trying to get back to the Lu family because you are still in love with my prince, Wang Haobin," said Lu Tian Tian. She wanted people to see Lin Yu Yan's face but also not trying to make it obvious that she was. But Lin Yu yan wouldn't look up no matter what she said.

"Hold on to that ugly and vicious child, Imperial Guards! I know the necklace is in your pocket, Lin Yu Yan!" Lu Tian Tian said out of patience putting her hand in her pocket to grab the necklace but she didn't find it in there. She checked the other pocket and found nothing.

"Where did you put the necklace!?" Lu Tian Tian said angrily. 'I was sure I saw the maid put it in her pockets...'

"I told you, I don't have it…" said Lin Yu Yan, her voice quivering.

At the exit, someone has opened the doors and a man entered the hall.

"It's him…!" said Wang Tingshi. 'It's that handsome man from the Mo Pharmacy incident!'

All the ladies in the room all started shrieking and was in shock to see such a handsome man enter the banquet.

Shing Lijuang has never seen such a beautiful man in her life. Teo Wing's mind went blank and couldn't stop staring at the handsome man.

"What a handsome man!" said a lady.

Wang Tingshi is engaged to Shing Li Ren and it hasn't been announced to the public yet because she wanted to find this man and marry him.

Even the Queen was in a daze. Li Muqiu was also in a trance. Lu Tian Tian was in shock, 'How can there be anyone more handsome than my Wang Haobin? He's gorgeous!'

The men in the room were also shocked when they saw such a handsome man walk in the room. Some couldn't believe a man such as him existed. The princes looked in disbelief and stared at the man to make sure they weren't seeing things.

"Who is he?" said Shing Li Xue, angrily.

"Brother Bingwen!" said Silver, finally released from the dazed guards.

The man, Bingwen, notice the condition Lin Yu Yan was in, drenched and covered in food, head facing down, and her hands just hanging. He understood the situation and walked towards her, pushing the guards out of the way and grabbed Lin Yu Yan's hand.

'Good, this is even better than expected! He's going to find out how ugly she is!' Wang Tingshi thought hoping to steal him away once the job was done.

"Yu Yan? Honey, what happened?" said Bingwen. He had received a message from Fukuro (owl) and came straight to the banquet after he finished the task Lin Yu Yan has given him.

Lin Yu Yan lifted her head to look at Bingwen and said, "Bingwen…"

'Finally! She is now exposed!' Lu Tian Tian, Wang Tingshi, Gu Wang Shu and Li Muqiu thought.