Emperor's Banquet (7)

"Wha- what do you mean? I'm your fiance!" said Wang Tingshi. She never thought words like that would come out of his mouth, especially in a high-end party, and was in fear of the power Bingwen was releasing. 'Why would you not want to marry a princess?' she thought.

"Then what is my family name?" said Bingwen, he was getting angrier.

"Uh... umm..." Wang Tingshi looked all over the room to find a family who looks the same and couldn't think of any.

At this moment, the room was filled up in his killing aura making everyone shake in fear. They notice the beauty moving her hand on his back, rubbing it, to clam him down.

"Bingwen, It's okay," whispered Lin Yu Yan. "Calm down-!"

"I'm sorry, my daughter didn't mean to say that. She's just jealous of Lin Yu Yan," said the Emperor, embarrassed because his daughter was spouting false statements. He has never felt so much power and killing intent from someone before and wanted to calm the handsome man down before it got any worse.

Everyone was relieved that the man's aura was suppressed. They all looked at the Emperor and Wang Tingshi and they can tell he is very embarrassed with his face a little flushed.

"Haha! She has no shame!" said a man. "The handsome man definitely wouldn't be with a mean and spoiled princess." A lot of people were agreeing with it and some were snickering making Wang Tingshi glow red from embarrassment and anger.

The man with the mole under his eye, hiding in the shadows, recognize the power because he felt it before. 'He's... he's the man at the warehouse! Why is he still here!?' he shivered in fear. He the banquet quick, planning to find a way to get rid of him.

'How can anyone be so strong!?' the princes thought. They shiver in fear, sad that they won't get the beauty but glad to still be alive.

Bingwen calmed down a little because of Lin Yu Yan and stopped paying attention to Wang Tingshi to looked at the necklace and found it on Lu Tian Tian's neck. He compared it to the queen's clothing and notice they match with each other.

"Tsk, I don't know why you accused my Yu Yan but Wang Empress, your necklace is on the ugly woman's neck," he said angrily, pointing at Lu Tian Tian.

He remembered Lu Tian Tian from the Mo Pharmacy incident and hated her for doing that to his girl. 'She's the annoying, ugly, and weak woman from the Pharmacy incident.

Everyone looked over at Lu Tian Tian and notice the necklace on her didn't match her outfit. They look at the Queen to see her reaction.

"That's my necklace!!!" she yelled.

'H-How? Why do I have it!?' Lu Tian Tian started to panic and looked for the princesses for help but their faces were in shock and no one said anything. They looked over at the handsome man and Lin Yu Yan wanting to apologize to her.

Lu Tian Tian looked over at her fiance for help but he was still looking at Lin Yu Yan wishing he was the one holding her.

"Guards! Capture the real culprit!" and the guards move to catch Lu Tian Tian, got the necklace off of her, and gave it back to its rightful owner.

"NO! I didn't do it!" Lu Tian Tian yelled trying to break free from the guard's grasp.

General Lu, Lu Dao Fang, and Gu Wang Shu have gotten up to stand in front of the Emperor to begged him to let her go.

"Wang Emperor! It must be a mistake! I'm sure it was! Please let my daughter go!" begged Lu Dao Fang.

"Please, Wang Emperor and Empress! Please, let her go! It was a mistake!" said Gu Wang Shu.

"They are young children, I'm sure it was a small prank, Wang Emperor! Please, let my granddaughter go!" begged general Lu on his knees.

The Emperor was not happy, "Not only was my birthday ruined, I was embarrassed in front of my kingdom and their prank almost got an innocent imprisoned! Because you are the father of my good friend and the first general of the Wang Empire, I will let this go after she is punished for what she has done."

The Queen looked over at her husband, not because she was satisfied that he is punishing Lu Tian Tian for stealing the precious necklace, but because she knows what will happen to Lu Tian Tian. She knows her husband will punish the girl harshly and she would be punished if she tried to stop it, especially now that he is super angry, making her afraid and her whole body tremble.

Li Muqiu was frustrated. She was so hoping the emperor didn't do anything to please the queen but he did the exact opposite. Li Muqiu doesn't really know all of the Emperor's personality so she has no idea how the punishment will go and thought he did it to please the queen and became jealous.

The fact that Lin Yu Yan didn't get punished made Li Muqiu even more angry. She started making up plans then and there to send people to attack her again.

"Little Yan, Please! It was just a prank, she is still your sister, don't let her get punished!" General Lu said to Lin Yu Yan, begging for forgiveness.

Lin Yu Yan was furious at the Lu family. They didn't even look her in the eye as they begged for help. They didn't even beg for forgiveness and yet they expected her to help out. Lin Yu Yan looked at her grandfather with no expression but her hands that are on Bingwen's chest clenched up, wrinkling his clothes.

But before she can respond, Bingwen started talking, "General Lu, If that ugly girl is her family and Yu Yan is yours, why didn't you help her out? Why did you just watch her get hurt?"

The room was dead silence. Everyone's opinion on the Lu Family changed at that moment. 'They really just talk crap about her and now begged for help. What cowards,' they all thought.

Lin Yu Yan was surprised to have Bingwen answer for her. She wouldn't say it any better than that. Her heart warmed up a little, beating a bit faster, hearing that come from him, 'Why is my heart…?' But she was really getting tired of acting innocent and suggested using sweet words, "Bingwen? Darling? I'm tired… let's go home," she said softly.

Everyone's ears were blessed for a moment. The men in the room's hearts started beating fast from the sweet dreamy voice that came from the unknown beauty. Even the women were having hallucinations from hearing her voice.

Bingwen nodded, covered Lin Yu Yan with his overcoat, and lifted her up, princess style, out of the palace with Silver walking next to them.

They were far enough away from the palace where Lin Yu Yan let off a laugh. "Hahahaha! That has flawless! Tianhua was right! She was going to cause trouble and it was so perfect!" she said happily still in Bingwen's arms.