Unknown Beauty (6)

Lin Yu Yan didn't expect this. She just wanted to be the damsel in distress and get saved by one of the princes to distract them but it turned out for Lin Yu Yan to get proposed but the 3 of the princes.

Before Wang Haobin could grab Lin Yu Yan back into his hands, Lu Tian Tian and the princesses finally caught up.

"My prince! You were here-" but before she finished her sentence, she saw a gorgeous lady behind them. Teo Wing, Wang Tingshi, and Shing Lijuang caught up a few seconds afterward and stared at the beauty.

Lin Yu Yan took the opportunity of the 4 men turned around to run away.

"No-!" said Shing Li Xue, who was holding Yu Yan's hand.

The 4 princes chased after her but they lost sight of her 10 seconds later.

"Where did she go...?" said Shing Li Xue. He is the only one qualified to marry her since the rest was engaged so he was the only one speaking his thoughts. The other 3 were upset they didn't get a chance to ask where she lives or what her name was and has no choice but to wait until tomorrow to find out more about who she is.

They all grouped up and left back to the palace.

Lu Tian Tian was angry because her lover has looked at the beauty. 'Another girl I have to get rid of? Why did she have to be prettier than me!? Why wasn't I that pretty!?'

All the princesses were also having the same thoughts. Cursing the gods for not blessing them with beautiful looks and wishing the beauty was dead.

Lu Tian Tian was dropped off at her home, which is close to the palace. She watched as the princes and princesses walk away to the palace. She looked at Wang Haobin and clenched her fist, hoping her lover didn't fall for the beauty. 'But... she looks oddly familiar to me...'


Lin Yu Yan ran, hiding in the dark to dodge the eye of the hungry men. She was able to get away and changed her clothes and wore her veil to walk back home.

"Tsk. That took waaaaaay longer then it needed to be," said Lin Yu Yan out loud, cursing and cussing on her way home. She was pretty mad that it happened. She just wanted to be saved and leave right away after Meiying and Li Dan E escaped. 'But all the princes and princesses just HAD to show up,' she thought angrily.

Lin Yu Yan was very annoyed that her night had to end like that.

'Wait... where was Wang Ping? Wouldn't they have left altogether?' she wondered and walked off to find him. She looked around and used her senses to find him and the slave traders from earlier, the ones that bothered her, has taken the unconscious, Wang Ping into a warehouse. It was the same one where she bought all of her 'people.'

She quietly walked in and listened to their conversation.

"Hey, what are we suppose to do now?" said one of the men.

"I think we kill him now? Imperial concubine told the chief that we could do anything as long as he is dead." said the other.

The group of men smiled evilly and couldn't wait to torture the prince. One of the men was about to grab Wang Ping but Lin Yu Yan popped in front of him, hitting him out of the way. It happened to fast, even their facial expressions couldn't change on time.

"What? Who are you!?" said the other man. That's when he noticed the veil.

"Wait... You're the girl Chief was looking for!" yelled another man and they all get ready for battle.

Lin Yu Yan stood there not saying anything and slowly took off her veil. The men looked in shock.

"You're the-" but that was all the men could say before Lin Yu Yan took all of them down with one hit of her sword.

What happened was, Lin Yu Yan quickly took out her sword from her space ring, which shined a bright light, blinding them with it. And with a swing of her sword, she cuts all of their heads off, killing them in an instant.

Lin Yu Yan slapped Wang Ping on the face to wake him up. His eyes slowly open and placed his own hand on his face to rub the pain away and saw Lin Yu Yan again right in front of him. 'Didn't this happened already?' he thought.

"Wha? what happened? I was shopping for some items... but that's all I could remember," said Wang Ping.

"You were abducted. I was on my way home and ran into your younger brother when I notice you weren't with them. The slave traders I met before has kidnapped you and I killed them," said Lin Yu Yan.

Wang Ping shivered to hear those words come out of her mouth in such a calm manner. But he was glad he was still alive. Lin Yu Yan and Wang Ping left the warehouse together, leaving the bodies of the slave traders as it was to give 'them' a warning.

They walk for a while to talk about the situation before they depart from each other. Lin Yu Yan was exhausted and upset she will only get very little sleep tonight because tomorrow is going to be one hectic day.