Last Resort

After the banquet

"Brother Ping! Why didn't you tell me Lin Yu Yan was the girl yesterday!?" Wang Haobin said angrily. They were in Wang Ping's room, talking, because he was so angry of himself for falling in love with the enemy.

Wang Ping was super tired after the incident and got a little annoyed by his brother.

"Hey, I just found out yesterday. She's my friend and seems she didn't want anyone knowing too. Plus, did you not see that man? I've told you, she's taken already," said Wang Ping wishing his brother to leave him alone.

The door slid open and the Emperor walked in wanting to join the conversation. "No wonder she didn't accept the engagement with you, Little Ping. She already has a very strong man at her side." The emperor didn't expect someone like the mysterious man to show up and save her from trouble.

Wang Haobin was going to ask his father for help to get him engaged with Lin Yu Yan but it seems his father has tried so many times with Wang Ping already that he knows he has no chance now.

"Anyway, get rid of the bodies in the prison, guards. Hopefully, the future crown princess has learned her lesson," The Emperor said as he left the room. Those words send chills to Wang Ping and Wang Haobin's spine wishing they have never heard that.

Their father is usually friendly in front of everyone but when someone gets him angry, it is nearly impossible for anyone not to get physically and mentally damage. Which is why Wang Ping has a hard time agreeing to Lin Yu Yan's plans for his older brother to overthrow his father because if it doesn't happened, they would all be in trouble.


General Lu, Lu Dao Fang and Gu Wang shu now is upset. They weren't able to save Lu Tian Tian from the Emperor's tortures.

General Lu has seen the tortures of the Wang Emperor and was happy to have such a strong emperor but now that his granddaughter is being tortured, he hoped that she would be fine.

He now has little hope in Lu Tian Tian to succeed. She has ruined the family name at the banquet and everyone has seen the anger in the Emperor's face that even the lower class people laughed. He might be on the bad side of the Emperor again just like last time 7 years ago.

"I have to make it up to the Emperor. I'll talk to him when he's not angry anymore," said General Lu.


A fat man and the man with the mole are at the slave trade warehouse. The man with the mole's eyes were petrified.

"I met her and that man again… They are no joke! We are going to killed!" said the man with the mole.

"It's okay! We will be fine! I hired the best assassins in the whole world to kill anyone after us!" said the fat man, all confident. "No one will be able to touch us!"

It been a while since they sent out their men to kill the 3rd prince. The last men that has kidnapped the 3rd prince were found dead in the warehouse they were in and has no clue of the person killing them.

"Why haven't we heard from the men yet? It shouldn't have taken that long to kill him. Plus, we sent the whole 2nd tier out to kill them since the 3rd tier is busy with their work counting people in the city. The men who died here are 3rd tiers and died. This should have been an easy job for the 2nd tiers," said the fat man.

"I don't know… Let's head out and see," said the man with the mole. "And I'm not going alone, your coming with me because the man and women are still here."

The two head out to find their men and got to an area where the stench of blood filled the air. They followed it and the smell got stronger and stronger.

When they got to the field, they were frighten. Dead bodies lay every where their eyes looked and the smell was making them vomit. They were in horror the see someone has taken all of their men in 2nd tier down.

"Wha? What happened here?!" thought the fat man. "We better gets those citizens in our hands fast because I'm not going to stay in this empire any longer!"

"We are still counting how many citizens there are to finalize the price. I'll tell them to get it done by tonight."

The Fat Man walked around, astonished at the scene and stepped on something which looked like paper. He grabbed the paper and read it out loud, "You're finished. And clean up this mess. I'll see you soon!~ -The Unknown Beauty."

"Those assassins better be here by tomorrow. I'm not staying here knowing they could kill me at anytime!" said the man, sweating in fear.