To Those Who Have Been Wronged (5)

They all shiver is fear. They remember Lin Yu Yan as the beauty of the night at the Emperor's banquet but now as she's an angry and fearful woman who can kill anyone at any time. Lin Yu Yan sweetly smiled at the elders and then turned back to the Emperor and with the same smile, started speaking.

"How have you been, Wang Ning? Do you want to know how I know all your crimes?" said Lin Yu Yan, not calling the Emperor his title but his name.

She smiled widely, "I didn't even mention your very first crime you have committed. How was your first kill too? I always wanted to know. Was it satisfying? Accidentally killing someone? No… I'm sure you were going to kill her sooner or later as well."

When the Emperor heard those words, he was surprised. 'No way she knows that too!? I'm the only one who should know that!?'

"First kill?" said General Mingyang. He looked over at the emperor to see his reaction. His face was pale, eyes widen, and he started trembling. This is one of his darkest secrets he didn't want the world to know.

"Should I explain to them... the first crime, you have ever committed, Wang Ning?"

Lin Yu Yan pulled out a book out of her space ring and started flipping the pages to find where she found the information.

"Well, I don't have the time to waste it on you so I'll keep it short," said Lin Yu Yan.

Lin Yu Yan was looking at the book and flipping the pages.

"This belongs to my mother, filled with all the crimes you have committed," said Lin Yu Yan.

The look Wang Ning had was a confused one. He was slightly happy Lin Feng Yue kept some notes on him.

"Of course, my father told her everything," Lin Yu Yan added. Wang Ning is disappointing again knowing it was his best friend who told her. "My mother made it because she knew you will not change. This is made to keep all the evidence for future uses, like now."

'Wait... Lu Tian Jie knew...? How?' thought Wang Ning.

"Okay, I'll just get to the point. You killed my grandmother when you wanted to kill my uncle instead," said Lin Yu Yan.

General Lu and Lu Dao Fang froze at what Lin Yu Yan said. Everyone in the room was surprised and listened carefully to what Lin Yu yan was going to say next.

"You... killed my mother!? The Hero of Wang!?" yelled Lu Dao Fang. Lin Yu Yan's grandmother was a beautiful strong woman. She was originally the first general of Wang until she retired to raise her children.

"Anyway, my uncle was on a mission to deliver money and food over to a certain location for a trade. Wang Ning didn't want you to go and decided that to kill you. Uncle Dao Fang, you would have been his first kill but Grandmother used her life to save you," said Lin Yu Yan.

"What?" General Lu was in shock. "You mean... I've been working for the murderer of my wife this whole time!?"

"Yes. Should have looked more into it, Grandfather." Lin Yu Yan glared at her grandfather and then turned back to face the evil three and spoke again.

"My father has been following your every move. My father witness you killing my grandmother. Only because you were a royal and my father's best friend, he gave you a chance to change but... I guess you never did," said Lin Yu Yan, closing her book.

"That's how it started. You killed your father not too long after and became the emperor. Your official wife was already Zhang Lijuan and had your three sons with her. This is when you meet my mother for the first time and fell in love. But you then started adding more and more women to your harem because you were never going to have her," said Lin Yu Yan.

"Li Muqiu found out you love my mother and with the help of my aunt, Gu Wang Shu, you tried to kill her," said Lin Yu Yan, glaring at the two women.

"Sigh.. so sad. In the end, you still didn't the seat and the heart," Lin Yu Yan said.

Li Muqiu got angry and shouted, "You b!tch! Your whore of a mother stole my man!"

Lin Yu Yan just looked at her with no change of expression. The look made Li Muqiu even more angry and was going to start calling her names until she felt a quick movement and a hit on her face, making her fly 5 feet away. Li Muqiu was surprised, 'I didn't even see her move!'

The whole room was shook. One moment Lin Yu Yan stood tall reading off from the book and then the next moment, she was in standing behind Wang Ning and Gu Wang Shu and Li Muqiu was 5 feet away from her original spot.

"This is why no one loves you. Your annoying ass mouth is a problem," said Lin Yu Yan. "I guess I can explain it to you since you are too dumb to understand, you b!tch."