To Those Who Have Been Wronged (8)

In the Palace...

In a flash, Lin Yu Yan has cut off Lu Tian Tian's head off her body.

"That was so satisfying!" shouted Lin Yu Yan.

General Lu couldn't believe she killed Lu Tian Tian with his face getting paler from all the blood being drained from his face. Lu Dao Fang was frozen in place, eyes glued to Lu Tian Tian's body hitting the ground, his brain still processing what he just saw. Gu Wang Shu screamed in fear and tears welled up in her eyes watching the Lu Tian Tian head roll on the floor.

Everyone else was so surprised but at the same time relieved because her presence has lightened up, making it easier to breathe.

"T-that was so fast!" said General Mingyang.

"Wha-? What just happened!" shouted Wang Haobin.

"How-?" said General Li.

"She didn't even use her spiritual energy…" said Wang Haobin, quietly watching.

"I almost couldn't catch that. Lin Yu Yan took the sword out of her space ring to swung it so fast!" said the excited Wei Ru to Jin Baoyu.

"I know! It was flawless! I wish I had a space ring so I can do the same! It would be very convenient to carry all my weapons," said Jin Baoyu.

The two weapon master disciples are getting all technical and nerdy with the way Lin Yu Yan used that move and their eyes were sparkled in enjoyment. Wang Haocun sighed and smiled watching his girl getting all excited. Xie Rong, Peng Ai, Kenzhi, Wu Lang, Meiying, Gu Xiang and Chu Yang just stood and smiled, feeling proud they have such a skilled master like Lin Yu Yan.

"She has the… a legendary space ring? There is only so much in the world!" said General Jin Guo overhearing Wei Ru's and Jin Baoyu's conversation.

Everyone else in the room was shook. Lin Yu Yan is highly skilled in martial arts and even has so many strong people under her. They were all so fascinated with her move they almost forgot Lu Tian Tian just died.

"Nice observation, (Wei) Ru, (Jin) Baoyu," said Lin Yu Yan, placing her sword back into the ring. It glowed a beautiful blue and the sword disappears.

The elders were slowly moving away in different directions the moment they notice the two kids, Wei Ru and Wu Lang, have moved away from the entrances.

They move in a group of 2-3 people each and slowly and carefully not make Lin Yu Yan notice their presence.

Of course, Lin Yu Yan notice and slowly called out three names, "Silver, Victoria, Knight."

And another blue light appeared and three animals jump out of nowhere and each one blocking an entrance. A white wolf swiftly blocks the North, A beautiful tiger blocks the East, and An Alligator blocks the South.

"It's the Spiritual Divine White Wolf of the Unknown Forest!" said an elder at the north exit.

"Why is there a Spirit Tiger here!?" said an elder at the east.

"What is this animal?!" said an elder at the south.

"That's a good question. It's probably foreign to you," said Lin Yu Yan.

"He's a reptile that lives in warm and damp places. Not a lot around these parks so he is a rare gem!" said Lin Yu Yan.

All of them were surprised that they just notice this now that Lin Yu Yan talks a little weird. 'Not a lot around these parks? what does that mean?' they all thought. But their feelings of curiosity of the spiritual beast was stronger than their feelings of wanting to know her way of speaking.

"Where did they come from!?" said General Lu.

"Well, they're mine," said Lin Yu Yan. She lifted her hand to show off her other ring.

"That's... the spiritual space ring! She has that too!?" said Lu Dao Fang.

"It is even more rare for any spiritual beast to make a contract with a cultivator and you have three?" said General Li. He turns to face his little sister and asked, "(Li) Dan E, who is she?"

"My master," answered Li Dan E, smiling proudly.

Lin Yu Yan's attention was still on the elders and open her arms, showing them she is giving them a chance to escape, "Try to escape again, I dare you…"

At this point, they all know they were going to die no matter what they do so they took the chance to escape as fast as possible.

"The Elder council was made to help make the decision that best suite and protect the citizens… and you guys did the exact opposite… You are not worthy to live," stated Lin Yu Yan.

And the next moment, all three spiritual beast transform into their human form, killing all the elders with their own hands. Everyone watches the beautiful spirit beast move their way to kill each elder, cruel, bloody, yet beautiful.

"They can transform into a human form...? That means... they are all divine spirit beast!?" said General Li. He couldn't believe that he was in such a legendary situation right now, eyes sparkling, witnessing not only the White Wolf of the Unknown forest but two other divine beast he has never heard before.

Lin Yu Yan turns back to face Wang Ning, Li Muqiu, Gu Wang Shu, General Lu, and Lu Dao Fang, thinking out loud, "Now... Where was I..?"