To Those Who Have Been Wronged (10)

Han Bingwan was on his way to the palace when he felt the same mixed emotion again coming from the palace.

'Oh no! Yu Yan!' thought Han Bingwen.

He rushed in as fast as possible to see Lin Yu Yan standing in front of 5 kneeling people, ready to kill someone at any time.

'I was afraid this might happen.'

He quickly rushed next to her and grabbed her hand to see if she can calm down. Lin Yu Yan wasn't aware she was getting emotional until she felt a familiar presence rushing towards her who's hand grabbed hers.

She looked up to see it was Han Bingwen, brows crossed, looking at her in concern, which she can feel through his hand. When she looked at him, her face went from the dark emotions she was released earlier to light and her eyes started getting watery. She looked down at the ground, not wanting anyone to see her face for a few moments as she tries to compose herself.

Everyone sighed in relief that the handsome man was able to calm her down. They honestly thought she was going to kill all of them at that moment.

Lin Yu Yan looked up again and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. You don't deserve to die..." she strangely said, making everyone in the room questioning her words.

"...because death is such an easy punishment for what you five have done to me, to other people, and this empire," said Lin Yu Yan.

"Throw them in prison," said Wang Haocun, who finally was able to think straight after witnessing the scary side of Lin Yu Yan.

Lin Yu Yan was finally back to her old self and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th general with two other guards took the five away to the basement of the palace.

They all watch as the generals pull the weak legged prisoners down to the cells, silent because they have nothing else to say against what Lin Yu Yan has said. Wang Haocun looked at his father was General Mingyang dragged him away.

"Father," said Wang Haocun to get his attention. Wang Ning turns to look at his son to see why he has called him.

"I don't know why you decided to make the decision to sell the citizens to the slave traders but… how can you be emperor when you have no one to rule over? By the time you do sell to citizens to salve traders, you wouldn't be considered an Emperor at all."

"..." Wang Ning said nothing as he has no answer to the question.

Li Dan E and General Ji had chosen to drag Li Muqiu. Li Dan E just glared as she was dragged away.

"Why… did you kill my family?" Li Dan E asked angrily.

"Because… I hate them. I was the youngest and every one of my siblings just mocked me for being stupid. So… I was able to become the emperor's concubine and killed them. Your father… My older brother was probably the kindest towards me," Li Muqiu smiled remembering the memories.

"But he did nothing to stop my other siblings cruel and painful events. He just watched me as the others try to drown me in the river. No way, am I going to forgive them!"

She yelled like a maniac and tried to move forward to injure Li Dan E but General Li was able to keep his grip on her.

"Sadly, they were right. You were stupid... and still are," General Li said.

"..." that silenced her from talking any further. General Li said it, not feeling the slightest of pity for what she has been through.

Gu Xiang just watched he finally was able to clear his name and place the proper convict into prison. He didn't say anything and glared at her until she was out of sight.

The two guards were in charge of General Lu and Lu Dao Fang. They walk away with their heads faced down in shame, unable to say a word to Lin Yu Yan.

After they have gone, Lin Yu Yan turns to talk to the rest who are here.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," said Lin Yu Yan.

Lin Yu Yan forgot the princes and princesses from the other empires are still here when she was angry and the look on their face was a look of surprise and realization to not mess with Lin Yu Yan again.

Lin Yu Yan sighed in relief, a weight has been lifted off her shoulders and she can finally breathe, feeling refreshed. Everyone looked at each other, getting teary, feeling as if a burden they never thought they had before, removed that instant.

"...We did it… We have finally gotten rid of those rotten bastards who ruined our lives and the lives of other people…" Lin Yu Yan said talking to the eleven she has chosen to behave special training from the slave market.

Lin Yu Yan's hand glowed blue and a stack of papers was held in her hand. It was the slave contracts they had when they first met. Only eleven were held in Lin Yu Yan's hand and she handed each one of them their contract.

"You... I mean WE... are finally free."