Gone (3)

"He's really not there," said Tang Hongwu.

Quan Su Wen got back from the auction and is speaking with her people about what happened at the auction.

"I knew it," said Quan Su Wen. "Send someone to inform the main branch."

"Yes," said a member, leaving and shutting the door behind him.

"The Ex-member disappeared as well as most of the documents in his lab," said Tang Hongwu.

"Did he escaped? What about the plan to capture him to finally placed Minister Quan behind bars for good?" said Tang Kei Yong.

"I don't know… but I think it has something to do with Lin Yu Yan," said Quan Su Wen.

"Huh?" Lin Sheng gave her a blank face.

"I don't think Quan Huan Lan was wrong about Lin Yu Yan. Being at the auction the whole time," said Quan Su Wen.

"Seriously?" said Soo Tien-Kai. "She wasn't there the whole time?"

Quan Su Wen and the other members were part of the crowd, watching how the scene will unfold. Of course, Lin Yu Yan got out of the mess and it benefited her tremendously.

"Yeah. When I saw Yu Yan, I couldn't recognize her figure. It didn't look like her. But surprisingly her eyes looked like her," said Quan Su Wen. "I think one of her friends had makeup on as a disguise."

"What about the letter she gave you?" said Lin Sheng. "Can you tell us now?"

"Thanks for the reminder… She wanted to take Yi Ying safe during the auction. In the letter, she told me to wait until the auction had to be over before I can let you know," said Quan Su Wen.

"Why did she want to keep Yi Ying safe?" said Lin Sheng.

"I don't know. I thought my father was going to do something to the pharmacy but it's still standing," said Quan Su Wen. "And then all of sudden, our proof also disappeared along with all his documents."

"Did… Lin Yu Yan do that to… save Minister Quan?" said Tang Kei Yong.

"I don't know… Maybe… seeing that Lin Yu Yan and my brothers got along this morning," said Quan Su Wen. "I don't want to suspect her but if it were to hurt the Tang Pharmacy…"

Quan Su Wen looked over at Lin Sheng. His expression wasn't good. Lin Yu Yan is his sister and he didn't want any more of his family members to be his enemies. He clenched his fists.

'Please… don't be my enemy,' thought Lin Sheng, placing his hands on his head.

"I hope everything is going okay. But I still want us to plan for anything that might happen tomorrow because… I have a really bad feeling," said Quan Su Wen.


"I'm sorry for asking you to come but I just wanted you to know a few things about what happened tonight," said the Chu Emperor.

He has gathered his ministers to have a quick meeting before the night ends.

"We have found 3 people in the sketchy area. They have minor injuries but the suspect has escaped," said the Chu Emperor. He was watching everyone's expression to make sure there wasn't another person trying to take over. The only person was Minister Quan who had an upset face looking down but sighed in relief.

"I will have the guards look for his body tomorrow morning," said a minister.

"That would be great," said the Chu Emperor. He looks around again and now notices one person is missing. "Where is Minister Dai?"

"He didn't show up at the auction either," said another minister.

"He said he is unable to attend because he caught a cold," said Minister Quan. 'Fuck… that idiot minister didn't do what I think he did.'

"I'll send him a letter tonight about this meeting," said Hua Maoli.

"Anyway have a good rest. We will still have tomorrow's meeting at the same time," said the Cu Emperor. "Goodnight, everyone."


"MMM! This is delicious!" said Quan Yi Ying.

"Right!?" said Silver. "It's my favorite food!"

Wei Ru returned with Quan Yi Ying after the 3rd prince and them and made it on time for pancakes.

"I never had this before! It's so warm, fluffy and sweet!" said Quan Yi Ying. He was stuffing his face with pancakes.

"I'm glad you are enjoying yourself," said Lin Yu Yan, smiling.

The only people comfortable with a divine spiritual beast around is Lin Yu Yan, Silver, and Han Bingwen. Victoria and Knight were a little nervous because he is the legendary Black Turtle from the North Continent. One of the original divine spiritual beast. Lin Yu Yan explained why he was here when she has told the others to stay away from the Tang Pharmacy.

The others were surprised the little boy is the legendary originals and was quietly eating due to their fear of making such a powerful beast upset. Peng Ai was eating silently as Quan Yi Ying was staring at her. He felt her qi but wasn't sure if it could be her. The whole time the crew was here, they mostly were hiding their power. He did sense a little of his power but wasn't sure. Peng Ai was able to hide it

her spiritual energy well.

"What is your name? I didn't catch it the first time I met you," said Quan Yi Ying.

"My name is Peng Ai."

His eyes opened wide. He couldn't believe she was here. 'The little girl that was a sacrifice to the water god? That Peng Ai? She has hidden it so well!'

"Where are you from?"

"The North Continent, Jeopardy City... Well, it used to be called Kaui City..." said Peng Ai.

"And you said your name is Peng Ai?"

"Uh... Yes...?"

"You... was there a temple near your home?"

"Yes... How do you know?"

"Well, I am one of the reasons you have stabilized spiritual energy as a child," said Quan Yi Ying.

"Wait... then you are the one my teacher..." said Peng Ai. Her hands trembled and her heart was beating fast.

"Yes, I was the one your teacher asked to heal you," said Quan Yi Ying. "Your teacher is my brother. Not real ones of course, but as in 'friends' brother. He was the Great Sea King of the North Continent. But in order for him to save you... He sacrificed his life to seal the power inside of you. It was hardly enough qi and I had to help seal it using my qi along with his, which is why I'm in this form."

Everyone was confused, looked at him and Quan Yi Ying points out the reason why he was a child. 'He was a friend of Peng Ai's savior?' everyone thought.

"That's why that sea snake likes you so much..." said Lin Yu Yan, understanding the reason more.

They looked at Peng Ai as she showed her arm with the sea snake still wrapped around it.

"Your teacher was able to become a divine beast due to his efforts and decided to make his human form look like me so we can really be brothers," said Quan Yi Ying, remembering good times.

"Really...? He did that? Wait... so he's...?" said Peng Ai.

She was looking straight at Quan Yi Ying and tears started flowing down her face. He nodded and gave her some time to release her emotion before requesting something from her.

"But I need that power back. This is such a coincident. The only reason why I needed to return is to find you to get my power back and here you are," said Quan Yi Ying. "I'm surprised you can control that power. I was going to teach you how when I meet you again but it seems you already have mastered it."