Sibling Fight (17)


The barrier is disappearing. The explosion burned off the barrier's papers from the palace due to it being so weak after all these years.

"Now, my slaves! Destroy them!" yelled Min Fu-Han, expecting the rows of Sea King he did earlier to start attacking.

Lin Sheng Quan Su Wen and the others were waiting for something to happen but there was just silence in the air. They look around to feel, see or hear anything but nothing happened. Gu Xiang and Chu Yang were relaxed like Lin Yu Yan, knowing the others finished their job of securing all the sea kings into the ring.

The wind stopped blowing and Min Fu-Han just looked like an idiot for expecting something. He looked around and could not feel the spiritual energy of the sea kings around him anymore.

"Sigh…" Lin Yu Yan's arms are still crossed and looked at Min Fu-Han. "The sea kings? They've been taken care of."

And then the barrier slowly came back into position and everything was alright. Even the palace that was lit has become smoke.

"What happened!?" said Min Fu-Han.

"Well… the first time we took care of a sea king was a few days ago when it went after Quan Su Wen on Minister's order," said Lin Yu Yan.

Min Fu-Han's eyes grew larger.

"Of course we took care of it. And was pretty easy to take care of the hundreds of sea kings outside the barrier."

"The barrier… how did it come back!? I destroyed it!"

"I kind of knew it was going to happen so I made new ones and placed it in the palace."

"Ah… that's the job Kenzhi had to do last night," said Chu Yang.

It made everyone around them look at Chu Yang.

"Yep. Kenzhi went to the palace to replace the papers somewhere, even you, can't find it. So that-" said Lin Yu Yan as she pointed up to the barrier. "Is made by ME."

"Huh!? When did you learn how to do that!?" said Lin Sheng, baffled by the amount of information and techniques Lin Yu Yan learned at such a young age.

"It's quite easy. I was just lucky enough that my mother just left me some very powerful barrier tags in our old home and I thought I might use it in the future. I didn't know it would be so soon."

"How…!? When!?" said Min Fu-Han.

"During the auction, when the palace was mostly empty."

"Huh!? But you-" you were there ' is what he wanted to say before getting interrupted.

"Yeah. I had help."

Min Fu-Han remembered when the Chu Emperor helped by being a witness when really, he knew that Lin Yu Yan was never there.

One of Min Fu-Han's underlings planted explosives in the palace as the auction was happening as well. It is known throughout the empire where the barrier tags are placed but due to unknown reasons, the protection on them seems to weaken up.

"I see," Min Fu-Han said as he finally calmed down. "While the place was empty you placed them in the palace…"

"Well, I was the one selling the extremely rare items after all," said Lin Yu Yan. "I knew everyone would love to show up knowing those extremely rare pills will be auctioned off, to see them and to buy them."

Minister Quan was listening too as one of the Medical Sect. member was wrapping him up. He couldn't believe that she planned everything from the start.

Quan Su Wen got hurt by minister Quan. Her brothers are lucky to be alive. Unfortunately, her sisters are dead. Wu Long Long and Wu Lang are injured due to their fight and exhausted due to their mission they have been assigned too.

Chu Yang just got stabbed from her fight with her brother and Lin Sheng and Lin Yu yan aren't as tired but they are emotionally exhausted.

"It's funny how a lot of people believe that I'm gullible enough to fall for some useless words like that… But that's exactly what I want you to believe and it worked better than expected."

Lin Yu Yan walked over to Min Fu-Han as she talked about how he got into that situation.

"There were too many people injured along the way though… but I kinda figured that's how everyone's problems will be solved because sometimes words just can't cut it."

"Yeah, right! I came back alive!" he said as he glared at her and smile, trying to intimidate her.

"Haha, is that so?" she said. A small light was on her hand and a piece of candy appeared in her hand.

Min Fu-Han couldn't believe it. She was the one that took the slaves from the warehouse. 'That look on her face... She knows… she knows what they do!?'

"Hehe, But I'll always be ahead of you," said Lin Yu Yan. Then a few more people showed up.

Wu Lang, Wu Long Long, Peng Ai, Kenzhi, Xie Rong and Meiying showed up with the spiritual space ring, full of all the sea snakes he has kidnapped from the salty sea.

"I guess I win," said Lin Yu Yan and then the next second, with another light, she pulls out her sword and stabs him in the abdomen.

Min Fu-Han coughs up blood. He felt the cold blade go straight through his body as he looked into the eyes of a demon. Her eyes are cold, strong, with a sense of justice. He couldn't believe he was dying in the hands of a child.

"Ha… AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" Min Fu-Han laughed hysterically. "All but two… and ONE is good enough!" he said with his last breath as the light fade from his eyes and his body slides off her blade.

Lin Yu Yan had to think for a little bit before she realized the last victims of the candy drug that has not been treated.

"Xie Rong! Your family!" She said.

"No…!" he said.

"Anyone of you seen a woman with a set of twin children!?" Xie Rong yelled.

"Yes! In the palace!" yelled Hua Maoli. "Grab my hand!" he said as they teleport away from the area.

"Meiying! Let's go!" said Lin Yu Yan detecting his energy in the palace for extra help.

"Yi Ying!" said Quan Su Wen as she patches him up and making sure he is okay. With the help of the limited cream from Chu Yang, they were able to heal and patch up everyone nicely.

"Sorry..." said Yi Ying. But Su Wen ignored what he said because she just wants to make sure he isn't injured.

The others had no idea what was going on and Peng Ai stayed to explain the situation.

"What's going on?" said Lin Sheng.

"Xie Rong's wife as an ex-lover of that evil man. It seems he kidnapped her and his children and gave them the drug candy," said Peng Ai.

"What Lin Yu yan holding?" asked Quan Su Wen. She was able to see it before Lin Yu Yan switched it to a sword.

"It's the drug candy, made with opium mixed with drug X," said Peng Ai.

The other's eyes widen. This psycho even made humans his test subjects? Disgusting. Of course, they didn't know what he did to Wu Lang, Wu Long Long and Xie Rong's wife and kids.

"Drug x is too strong for humans so this is 100 times less than the ones given to spiritual beasts. At least that's what Meiying said last night. And because of the addictiveness of opium, the slaves who were used as experiments start to change, same as Quan Huan Lan, which Lin Yu yan calls it, berserker mode.

Honestly, I'm surprised Quan Huan Lan was able to maintain her human side when she's practically a monster."

"Berserker mode?" asked Lin Sheng.

"Yeah… Yu Yan said it's when someone goes into complete rage and will not be like themselves at all… It can be learned in the right teaching and environment but most of the time it would be impossible to make them turn back…."

"Seriously?" said Quan Su Wen said, recognizing what that means.