Family Reunion (5)

Since then, a few days have passed and the situation has finally been made clear to the citizens of the Chu Empire. The corrupted ministers have been sent to prison and Quan Su Wen's father has been healed and locked up as well. Though Su Wen wants to execute him, Lin Yu Yan persuades her not to.

Quan Su Wen's father was sent to the deepest part of prison, never to see the sunlight again. Quan Su Wen and he had a good talk but Lin Yu Yan wasn't able to be there since she had to take care of her aunt. 

The boys of the Quan Family were let go only if they were to pay for the damages that have been made. Quan Su Wen and Lin Sheng made it official that they are getting married. 

Quan Xue has been reunited with his wife, Ma Ting, and living together in the Ma Residence. Because of the fight, he decided to change part of the residence to a school and vowed to never let something like that happen again.

Minister Dai turned out to be one of the good guys. He was captured by Lin Yu Yan's team when they headed to save the slaves. He happened to buy the slaves to free them but found out that they have been experimented on and was giving them candy to prevent the slaves from going insane. Though it was going to make the berserkers stronger, it was also preventing their anger from triggering.

Quan Wei-Kong's lover was Minister Dai's daughter. When he found out his daughter has a thing for Quan Wei-Kong, he was furious. He begged Minister Dai to let them be together but he refused. His daughter wanted to be with Quan Wei-Kong and begged to let them be together as well and Minister dai hated when his daughter cries so he gave Quan Wei-Kong some conditions. 

One: for him to prove his worth.

Two: to make sure he can protect his daughter.

Three: to make her happy for the rest of her life.

Quan Wei-Kong accepted it and is now working under Minister Dai. 

Quan Jian Min has nothing to do anymore. He looked up to his father but after finding out all the things his father has done was destroying the empire, he lost all hope. He also talked with his father and found out he never loved him. Though it didn't let him down since he already figured something like this was going to happen.

Now that he is the head of the Quan bloodline, he had too much responsibility and knew he would never do a great job at it. He gave the wealth away, to compensate for the loss of the empire and decided to become a general instead. He wanted to make a difference and gain fame through his hard work.

Quan Jian Min still eyes on Lin Yu Yan and gives her disgusting looks and every so often flirting with her. Quan Xue and Quan Wei-Kong couldn't help but feel embarrassed they have such a strong but annoying brother like him so they would apologize every time they got the chance to see Lin Yu Yan.

Lin Yu Yan is annoyed but they have gone through so much, she let it off, for now, hoping that some of her words and facial expression would let him know to buzz off. Evidently, it didn't work since he can't seem to comprehend body language.

One day, surprisingly, he returned to the Medical Sect. with bruises and cuts all over his body. Now, every time Lin Yu Yan would show up around him, he would run away as fast as possible and look at the man standing behind her with fear.

Lin Yu Yan noticed that he changed and could tell Han Bignwen was the one who caused the injuries. She knows how protective he could be and the fact that he beat up Quan Jian Min for giving her looks, he might do even worse if someone tried to kill her. She has seen and felt the looks and feelings he gives off, every time her brother is near.

After all, Lin Sheng has done some emotionally cruel things to her leading to them both misunderstanding and hurting each other. Lin Yu Yan and Lin Sheng both regret doing so but that doesn't stop them from loving each other. Lin Sheng actually is the overprotective type of brother so he was upset he wasn't the one who gave Quan Jian Min the beating.

Lin Sheng, of course, felt the killing intent from Han Bingwen too but he doesn't back off. It's an odd feeling coming off of Han Bingwen like he hates Lin Sheng but knows Lin Yu Yan will hate him if he did something. He's not normal. Not an ounce of human was shown through him but it seems that Lin Yu Yan has him wrapped around her finger so Lin Sheng doesn't try to convince her to leave him. 

Lin Sheng and Lin Yu Yan has been getting along quite well despite the ten years of no communication. They share a lot of memories from their childhood and the people around them get shocked at the intense training they had to go through. 

Gu Xiang and the others were in shock and remembered the training they had to go through but they weren't as intense as Lin Yu Yan's and Lin Sheng's and they were only babies. 

Kenzhi spent his days talking with his mother outside the room where she was healing and they talked about the situations they went through and all the fun things they will do from now on. 

Once she was healed, she told the Chu Emperor to burn all the paintings of her sister since she got some news about her from Lin Yu Yan and decided to move on and live with her son. 

Then the Chu Emperor through a huge banquet for Wang Ping and the people, celebrating their friendship and for the destruction of Minister Quan. It was a glorious time and everyone felt safe for once.

The citizens were able to get back to their feet and return to their homes. There wasn't much destruction of the buildings since Lin Yu yan took care of the Sea Kings from doing it but t eh injuries they all had was because of the panic situations they had, causing some of them to get injured when they were about to be killed by the guards Quan Su Wen's father had. 

The Chu Emperor punished the guards harshly but didn't send them to prison due to the lack of manpower they had. It wasn't a big issue since Lin Yu Yan beat every one of them to their senses and made them realize the damages they have caused. 

Lin Yu Yan became an icon to the guards but their fear for her was much greater, defeating the purpose of her beauty. They will cower down every time she passes by because of their fear to interact with her.

Wang Tingshi was now stable and ready to learn. She was a fast learner, probably due to her genes and her attitude became quite like a princess then before. She has seen Lin Yu Yan helping out here and there in the Chu Empire and she started looking up to her. 

She noticed a few of them (kenzhi, Wei Ru, and Wu Lang,) call her sister and so she decided to start calling her sister too. It was weird at first how that developed but Lin Yu Yan didn't mind it. It's kind of a relationship she wished for with Lu Tian Tian but obviously, that didn't happen.

The empire was a bit more stable after a few days and there were still too many questions everyone had that needed to be answered.

Once the Chu Emperor got the news of Lin Zhi Zhen has been healed up and is healthy, he left to go to the Ma residence since Lin Yu Yan said he will get an explanation about the situation which he kind of figured out through small information.

Of course, what's more important in his mind is how she was able to speak English. 

The Chu Emperor entered the Ma Residence, with Guo Jinsong and Hua Maoli, and were greeted by some of the citizens who were still injured and needed a few more days of rest. He greeted them back entered the building.

"Hey… you're Peng Ai… correct?" asked Guo Jinsong. She was the girl who was in charged of the sea snakes once they were captured. She turned around, surprised one of the emperor's guards remembered her name. 

"Yes… Is there something you need?" she asked.

"Yes. The Chu Emperor would like to speak with Lin Yu Yan. Is she available right now?" said Hua Maoli. 

"She's talking with her brother and Lady Lin at the moment," she said.

"That's perfect. Would you let her know we are here to discuss something?" asked the Chi Emperor.

"I'll check with her. Please wait here," said Peng Ai. She then walked away to inform Lin Yu Yan about the guest.