The Boy who called her kind

The waitress was pissed and threw her apron on the ground when she got home. She was angry since she was humiliated and lectured.

She was so tired of hearing her aunt's lectures but even more angry since her charms didn't work.

"Mother! I'm so angry!" she said. 

"What's wrong?" her mother was casually sipping tea on the couch. 

Her family is rich. They are one of the most respected families in the world. They are known as the Hua family. They are the top heroes if the Shing Empire, saving them from the enemy.

"Mother! This ugly poor lady humiliated me in front of all the customers!" said the waitress. 

"Shu Lan, what did you do this time?" said her mother. She knows her daughter is a trouble maker, which is why she made her daughter work at her sister's restaurant so she can learn some manners.

Lately, she has been doing good but it seemed today was a bad day.

"There was a poor-looking couple in the restaurant. The man was quite handsome though and the woman was an ugly girl. It was obvious he was with her for the money. I was trying to get the man with my charms but the ugly woman humiliated me!" Hua Shu Lan said. 

"Charms…? What charms?" said her mother in response.


But her mother just smacked her on the head.

"Do you not understand what you said! You tried to steal a man from another woman! I did not raise you to do something so repulsive! You are the next head of the family! Please know your worth," she said.

"That hurt!" Hua Shu Lan said. She rubbed the spot her mother hit to lessen the pain.

"Sigh…. What am I going to do with you! Your brother has made the decision to work under the Chu Emperor and now we have an idiot as the next head of the Hua family."

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Sigh…. What am I going to do with you! Your brother has made the decision to work under the Chu Emperor and now we have an idiot as the next head of the Hua family."

Then there was a knock on the door, interrupting them.

"Miss Hua Mulan? Your son has sent a letter," said the servant.

"A message from Maoli!? I haven't received one in a while!" she said. 

She got up from her chair and walked over to the servant to grab the letter. Hua Shu Lan was furious because all she ever cared about was her older brother, Hua Maoli.

"Hmph! I'll go tell father that you aren't treating me the same as Brother Maoli!" she said. She stomped out the door and left to see her father.

Her father was taking care of their growing business when he heard loud footsteps, knowing what is going to happen. 

"Father!" said Hua Shu Lan. "Mother doesn't treat me the same as brother Maoli!" 

She was very upset. Her father sighs and looked at his daughter lovingly.

"Well… you don't act like Maoli," he said.

"But Father! Why!? Why does she treat him with love!? He was the one who left the family! How come mother still loves him!?" she said. "Now I'm stuck with taking care of the family!"

"Now, now, my daughter. Your mother loves you very much. You have to understand why she treats you like this. There is a reason why she does so," said her father. 

Her father is Li Shang. One of the strongest general, martial artists, and cultivators in the world. He changed the family name to Hua due to combining the family temple and respecting his wife's pride in her success. 

He was able to gain all his family heritage due to being the only one alive to receive it. 

"But why? Why can't she love me?" she said. Tears started rolling down her face. 

Li Shang put the pen down and walked over to his daughter to calm her down.

"Shu Lan, your mother takes pride in her name. She went through a lot to get where she is. She just doesn't want you to go down the wrong path in life. You need to understand that," said Li Sheng. 

"Father! You don't understand! I've been trying my hardest to be the daughter she wants but I can't! It's not who I am!" she said. She ran away from his arm to her room where she can be alone. 

"Is Shu Lan making a fuss again?" said a voice by the entrance. 

"Ah… Father-in-law… She just upset about something at my sister's restaurant," said Li Sheng, sighing again. 

"Haha… Like mother like daughter," he said. "My Mulan was quite a rebel too…"

"Well… she had a reason. It's just... I hope Shu Lan understands what we're trying to do for her…" Li Sheng said.

"Don't worry… when the time comes, she will make the right decision."


Before Lin Yu Yan and Han Bingwen sent Chen Xing-Fu home, they stopped by the port to see which ship would offer them a ride to the west continent. 

"Yeah. We already have a few people going with us, we don't mind having 2 more," said the old man. 

The old man's employees were un and restocking his ship since they arrived just yesterday. 

"The only thing is, we are delivering some products to the south continent first and going to return back here to restock. We were just at the West Continent a month ago. It takes about a month to get to the South Continent as well," he said. 

"I see… so it's best to stay here until you get back since your coming back here anyway," said Han Bingwen. 

"Isn't there a faster way?" asked Lin Yu Yan, still held Chen Xing-Fu's hand. His eyes were sparkling since he wasn't allowed here.

"There usually is… But I guess it was bad timing on our part. Since the Central Continent just finished the order for the West Continent… This is probably the earliest shipment to the West Continent," Han Bingwen said. 

"You can go on your own since you don't have time," said the Old man. "I can offer you a boat as long as you pay for it."

"It's fine. We can wait," said Lin Yu Yan.

"We don't have enough knowledge to travel by boat alone so we can wait the two months," said Han Bingwen. 

"It's no problem then," said the old man.

They thanked the old man and paid for the ride in advance. They leave the port and walk hand in hand with Chen Xing-Fu to his home.

Chen Xing-Fu asked if he could stop at the doctor's place to buy the medicine. Lin Yu Yan exchanged with him to silver coins just in case they might be bad people. 

"This is the first for me…" he said. 

It was pretty dark outside since they made a lot of stops whenever they see a store. Lin Yu Yan got some new clothing for him and even got some food for his sick mother. 

"What is?" Lin Yu Yan asked. 

"My father died before I was born and My mother has been sick since last year… I always wanted to go out with my parents and have fun for a day… Thank you for having fun with me," he said. He was so grateful for what Han Bingwen and Lin Yu Yan did for him today. 

"Well… since Bingwen and I have to wait two months, how about you show me and him around the town?" she asked. 

Chen Xing-Fu was a little shock. "I don't know much about this town..."

"Wel... I would love to see you again," said Lin Yu Yan. She crouched down to meet his eye, grabi=bing bother his hands into hers.

"…If you're okay with it," he said.

"Great… Then I'll be waiting for you at the restaurant at sun high," she said. 


They walked a bit further where the scene slowly changed. The area was filled with trash and random people making homes out in the open. Soon other children, a little older then Chen Xing-Fu ran to them and asked them for money.

"Please spare some change!" said a little boy.

"Please… buy this flower!" said a little girl.

It seems the place Chen Xing-Fu lives is in the slums. Lin Yu Yan bought everything and gave them some coins but that only created a chain reaction, making her give money to all the people in the slums. 

Chen Xing-Fu looked at Lin Yu Yan. Lin Yu Yan was very kind to the people in the slums and couldn't help but admire her. 

"Here," said the little voice. Chen Xing-Fu gave the children each 50 silvers, leaving him with only 50 silvers left for himself. 

He gave the rest away to some homeless grandfather sitting alone. He even gave him some food. 

"Thank you… You have raised a fine one," said the grandfather to Lin Yu Yan and Han Bingwen.

They both looked at each other and then looked at Chen Xing-Fu. They smiled and started walking again.

"I'm sorry," Chen Xing-Fu said as they head over to his house. "I gave the money you gave me away…"

"It's fine… You are a good kid. Your mother would be proud," said Lin Yu Yan. But hearing the word mother just made him flinch.

They reached his home. It's quite clean but it was tiny. Just enough for two people. Of course, Lin Yu Yan didn't say anything. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," said Lin Yu Yan. "Good Night."

"Good Night!" he said, happily. Through watching him walk inside gave them a weird feeling.

Lin Yu Yan and Han Bingwen waited until he was inside before walking away.

"Hmmm…," said Han Bingwen while thinking about something. "I think I heard the last name somewhere before…"

"You have?" asked Lin Yu Yan. Lin Yu Yan is still learning the basic knowledge of the world so she wasn't surprised about the new information.

"Since I don't remember, it must have not been important."