Matt was sweating and panting simultaneously. He had skipped the elevator and chosen the stairs instead. To him it was safer and more reasonable. Nobody would use the stairs not while the elevator was in proper function.

That's why he was not surprised when his descent was met with no interrogation of any sought.

R76 was new or so he thinks. Before now he never knew that men could build rooms hundreds and thousands of feet below the surface. Matt thought he knew everywhere in the Surveillance block, but now he was convinced because he realized that he knew little of the place. He hadn't ventured this deep before not that he would have dared anyway.

Matt was panting heavily when he came to the door whose frame held the R76 name on it.

The door was not significant compared to other doors on the surface. Its only uniqueness was the single light bulb dangling above the door frame.

Matt turned the knob and pushed the door slightly. The door opened quietly and he slipped in.