Flashes of lightning brightened the dark smoky atmosphere and the drizzling of the rain, cloaked with the sooth that suspended in the moist air. There were distant screams of pain and anguish. The whole place was desolate and the heat of the burning buildings was not affected by the lightning or the drizzling rain.

Jeff coughed himself up to a sitting position, his head was throbbing like a steam engine and his body aches all over. The metallic taste of blood in his mouth made him lick his dry lips; he needed no mirror to tell that his lips were swollen. Despite the pulsing headache, his eyes seemed to be the only thing that was not hurting at the moment.

Where am I? He asked himself as his blurred vision came to settle on the floor that was covered with wet sooth. He could tell the floor was made of wood from the cracking sound it whined under his weight and the way it picks up flame.