They hurried into the rain, bustling their way through the moist forest. The cloak of darkness still hung on every side, covering the path that was waterlogged and was reaching their kneecap. It was difficult to place a finger on their current destination. And the light that Alex had refused to on—for fear of attracting attention—also added more salt to the injury. Occasionally, they would come to a dead-end and would trace their way back to the way they had come. 

Jeff continued to tag along with the small boy blindly. A part of him was warning him to back away, that Alex might be leading him into another trap. But the other part, just a small part of him wanted to follow the boy against all odds. Alex could be the brother to Vanessa, but he had a heart that was too kind. He had risked his life to save him, twice, and on both occasions, Jeff had been at the mercies of his captors, waiting for death to claim his consciousness.