"I am not talking about Vanessa Alex. How could you buy a Roller-Board for 500 Qiz?"

"Because I wanted to save you, Jeff," Alex screamed, or was he crying? It was hard to differentiate the two at the moment, "I wanted to save you. I had planned this for the last six months. I knew that one day I will have to save you or Vanessa would use you until you finally die in the arena."

Jeff's stomach tightened, and he found himself clenching his fist on the Roller-Board.

"But Alex, 500 Qiz is—

"Is nothing compared to your life" Alex interrupted. The thunder clapped, and the lightning flared. For once that night, Jeff was able to see Alex's face.

"And I would give the entire world to save you, Jeff. You are more like a brother to me. You are my best friend and I am sorry for all the pain my sister has caused you."

"It's okay, Alex." Jeff rested his hands on the boy's shoulders, "Let's get out of this rain. My bones are turning to ice."