The screech of the three shadowy creatures resounded on the rough wall again. The vibration was unbearable and it took all of the discipline within Jeff, not to cover his ears with his hands. He could feel the surge of fear that was trying to wallop the courage residing somewhere in his body. He could feel the voice, a still voice, advising him to run away. To run far from this place. As far as his feet could carry him. But, on the other hand, the life of his friends were also in danger. Running away could be detrimental. There was nobody else in the cave that was as powerful as he was. So, no. He was not going to cower like a fool. He was going to fight. He was going to fight.

Tracing his step back. Jeff tried to relax. The creatures were advancing with a full force, and he could feel the anger that was burning in their heating gaze. They wanted him gone. The hate in their face wanted him dead.