The Battle Under the Moon (2/3)

On the front gate of the Ruby Empire, warriors from the human race held their swords, bows and staffs. Eight hundred from the one thousand men were all warriors. With an average level ranging from The pinnacle of Rank 1 to Rank 2 Level 5. A hundred and ninety we're all bow type ranger and the rest were all magicians.

Standing on top of the wall was Leon, a Rank 3 Level 1 Guardian, an expert on his own league and the sole general alive on the empire.

The soldiers of the empire were not to mess with but like a crippled tiger can't beat a stray dog. This army of Leon wouldn't be enough to be the match of Murdock's elite army.

In front of them is an army of two thousand blood thirst dark elves and behind them were fifty ruthless assassins.

If it is a one on one fight Leon himself can slay half of the entire army excluding Murdock. But this is a war and not a mere duel. Number is one variable to succeed

Half of the moon was devoured by shadow under the beautiful eclipse a miniature sun appeared from the dark elven side!

"Die you lowly beings! Fire!" Murdock pointed his hand on the wall where Leon was standing.

The magicians then released an astonishing huge fireball. The blinding white and scarlet ball of fire rose above the army of drows it was a combine tier-1 fireball, the fireball itself was 50 feet in diameter and the power reaches the pinnacle of a tier-2 magic!

Above the tower Leon gripped on his sword and bang it on his shield, the Aegis!


A loud reverberating sound of metal echoed trough out the city and wipes away the worry from all the warriors.

Guardian's Call!

"Hold you heads high our death wouldn't be in vain!" Leon shouted with a high and mighty voice.

Name: Guardian's Call

Team Buffs Effect: 35% additional boost on strength and increase morale by 50%

All the warriors roared out feeling an extra power surge within their body.

Meanwhile Leon throw his shield to the approaching fireball and jumped together with the shield.

Everyone was in an uproar! Even Murdock squinted his eyes and thought that his enemy accepted his fate. But he knows that this war have just begun. Leon would not die without a fight!

On the human side, everyone held their breath.

But what's even more surprising, after Leon jumped out from the wall he was suddenly shrouded by white light and so as the Aegis shield he'd thrown.

Guardian EX!

When the light appeared on the shield, Leon was shrouded on the same light by the shield. This is the skill exclusive only for three-star battle classes!

Jealousy and hate flashed on Murdock's eyes, he was just a breath away reaching Rank 3 to upgrade his battle class to three-star! But that seemingly small gap can now be visible. Leon was on a different realm than himself!

The Aegis shield shrunk into a size of a fist and landed on Leon's chest, the blinding light contracted at the center of Leon's chest, the aegis expanded on Leon's body and formed an armor that gives off a silvery aura.

This is the true exclusive skill of a three-star battle class!

The scorching ball of flame approached head on by Leon!

The seemingly unstoppable fireball by the dark elf magicians dissipated the moment it crashed on Leon.

"All men, attack!" Leon roared!

The gates of the empire opened, mages casted all of their skill buff, archers plucked their arrows imbued by different spells, warriors dash forward with their swords, axes and war hammers!

The other side did not hold back neither. They're like a black fog swarming across the land approaching the empire, if one can see the battle from above the dark elves was like an eerie plaque crashing to humans!

Murdock was on the lead, with every stab of his rapier a life will be lost. He was living up to his name the reaper! He focuses on speed with a lightweight armor but a strong piercing and penetrating offense, this is the power of a pinnacle Rank 2! Regular warriors wouldn't be his match.

Arrows, flashing lightning bolts, soaring fire and ice balls keeps coming from both sides. The stench of blood or burned flesh could be sniffed across the battle field. Most of them were humans beaten up by two or three drows.

They are outnumbered!

Leon himself defeated over a hundred dark elves with every slash and skills he unleashed. But it was not enough! He was stopped by Murdock and two other warrior, both are swashbucklers on Rank 2 level 3.

This is the natural counter for a guardian! If Murdock himself faced Leon, even though he can cause some injury to Leon, he will surely die! But that's not case for this war! Number is power!

Swashbucklers predates using their high dexterity and accuracy to demobilize heavy armored tank classes just like the guardian, focusing their attacks on the less unguarded area!

"Look how pathetic you look now fierce general Leon." Murdock held her rapier ready to strike any moment Leon shows an opportunity.

"You are not worthy to utter my name, dark elf." Leon answered. He currently looks tired after receiving a full blast of a tier-2 pinnacle fireball and being teamed up by thirty men simultaneously after wiping up this warriors, another thirty will gang up to him non-stop!

His battle prowess was diminishing! Even a Rank 3 like him would still feel the heavy tax facing the full damage of a pinnacle tier-2 magic and the attack from numerous elite warrior head on. But on his face shows no fear!

"Why don't we cut the chase, kill me if you can!" Leon rushed with his sword held by both of his hands, his armor shrouded by a silver aura for extra defense!

"Then so be it, human!" Murdock roared!

The three dark elves dash forward with elegance their attacks are full of fancy like a morris dance but a cruel one! The rhythm from them shows their coordination!

The Tres Espadas!

Leon was reaching his limits! Many cracks and holes fills his armor. Even being a 3rd Ranker he is still at the lower stages. Some attacks from the Murdock even pierce to his armor giving deep wounds!

"Die!" Murdock dashed forward with an unimaginably speed. But was shocked when suddenly a blinding white light envelopes Leon yet again!

Does he still have a hidden card? Wait no! Murdock thought the moment the light envelopes Leon. He was startled and instantly backed away but when he realizes what those lights are he screamed and dash forward again!

It was a teleportation spell!

Three human magicians cast a teleportation spell on Leon!

"Commander we will take over you should be safe and live to avenge us and our brothers!"

Leon was startled as well! This is not part of the plan! He cursed inwardly but it was all too late, he glance at Murdock dashing forward with his rapier pointed at him and looked at those comrades of him rushing forward to cut Murdock's attack.

The light covering Leon contracted the moment it envelopes his whole body and within 2 second it banished out of thin air together with Leon!

"Fool! You will all die!"

Murdock roared in anger and ordered his force to go all out!

Twenty miles away Leon reappeared, wounded and on his eyes tears were formed.

This is not the end he expected, he oaths to protect the empire with all he had.

But he cannot let the efforts and sacrifice of his comrades go waste!

He swore to himself, he will avenge his brothers in war!

Southern Trade Road

Three lasses were running straight to Blue Moss town. But behind them was a sneaky shadow appearing and reappearing chasing the three women running!

"Shit! Jil! Another change of plan, mother you run straight for the village!"

Mirai's attention was still taken from the choice of classes in her field of vision