Soon before [Jamie]

Bill fell right on his face. "You need to get better at this," I started hovering a few inches above the ground, "Now that you have wings, if you don't use them for mobility, they'll be more of a burden." He got up, "Yeah, well, you've always made it look easier." He started hovering to where I was. "Good," I started going a little higher, "Now, try going a bit higher." He started to get to where I was, but fell down, this time managing to catch himself. "Try again." He reached where I was, but with clear difficulty. "How is this so easy for you?"

"I'm used to it. I've been doing it for almost 6 years, you saw how much I struggled when I first started." I went a few feet higher, and didn't say anything. He reached where I was, with slightly less difficulty. "I think I've got it down." I shook my head, "I, don't think so." I landed back on the ground, "Try doing that." He started descending, but started falling 3 feet too soon. "I mean, you've got the take off part down. All we can really do is practice until you're good at it."

Scorpio and I sat in class. "So you two were in a room, alone?" She nodded. "And you didn't try to make any moves?" She nodded again. "I think we both know at this point he's not one for taking hints. You need to be more upfront." She sighed, "I know, but, it's not that easy. I've never really done this before."

"Oh, sweetie, I think everyone can tell you haven't done this before." The bell rang, and everyone got up.

Akumura and I were at a psychic's shop. I looked at a deck of cards and set the down, "Why are we here again?" Akumura sighed, "Mainly? I'm here to feed, and no one in the school can leave alone. Naomi isn't up to feeding right now, so I'm stuck with you. And as for why we're here, Brit told me that she needs a tarot deck for something." I rolled me eyes, "Well, can we hurry up? This area of town is, unsafe, especially for us." Akumura grabbed a deck and walked up to the counter. A lady showed up. She was taller than average. Her hair was dyed blue, and she was wearing casual clothes, except for the fact that she had 5 or 6 scarves around her neck. "Can I help you?" Akumura put the deck on the counter, "I'd like to buy this." She looked at the deck, "Alright, it doesn't really feel the same as you, but whatever you say."

"They're for someone else." He pulled out a $20 bill and took the desk. "Keep the change."

I looked back at the store-front, "There's something odd with that place." The lady sounded almost like she wasn't human. Like something else pretending to be. "Well, whatever the case," Akumura looked at the cards, "This is exactly what Brit asked for. I wonder how she knew they'd have this exact deck." I shrugged, "I mean, Scorpio can somewhat see into the future. So who's to say that Pisces can't either." He shook his head, "No, that's not it. Their abilities only allow them to see a few seconds ahead. She asked for this a few-" Akumura suddenly turned around. "Wha-" He put his hand over my mouth, "There's someone watching us." A group of people all wearing black appeared from behind a building. "Well, look who it is!" Akumura walked over to them, "Best you report to your boss you saw nothing." He put his hand on one of their shoulders, and I heard a crunch before the guy fell on his knees. "Anyone else?"

One of them pulled out a gun, and shot Akumura right in the abdomen. He fell down, and stayed down for a second. Then, he rose up and cracked his neck. "That's gonna be a pain." He put his hands in his pockets, and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles. He then proceeded to beat his attacker to near death. I, along with everyone else, watched in horror. Then, something suddenly clicked, even if Bill had given up in the tournament, there's no way Akumura would've. I put my hand on my shoulder, and he turned his head. His eyes were like an addict's, finally getting his fix. "Calm down," I looked him in the eyes, "We don't want the police involved." He stood up, and put his knuckles back in his pocket. The other members ran away, leaving their fallen comrades behind. "Cowards." Akumura growled.

Brit went through the deck. "You didn't touch any of the cards, right?" I nodded. "Akumura didn't either?" I nodded again. "Good." She placed the cards back in their box and opened a book. "So," I looked at the book, "What's with the sudden interest in-"

"Divination? Dunno. Just decided since I'm as proficient as I'm gonna get in almost all of my other studies, might as well try something else." She looked at me for a second. "What?"

"Something's wrong." I shook my head, "Nothing that I can tell." She started looking more intensely, "Definitely. What is it?" I sighed, "Chasan told me not to tell anyone. Only Bill and I were to know until the time came." Her pupils expanded, "You've peaked my interest."

I couldn't keep it in for long, Lucifer, Satan, Dracula. It all had been building up, I couldn't hold it in anymore. "I see." She looked through a book, "I might be able to help delay him." I shook my head, "By the time you manage to do anything, he'll know." She continued to flip through pages, "Actually, my dad might be able to help. He's a deity on the same level as Dracula, if not higher. So, if anyone can at least slow down Lucifer, it's him." I sighed, "Fine, as long as it's not obvious we sent him. Last thing we'd need is to worry about Lucifer and Dracula."

"It's settled then," she closed her book, "I'll tell him tonight."