Chapter 12 : A Hidden Quest!!

As she turned to see who it was next to her she started crying as she saw her little baby....

Linley... : Serena

All of them sighed by this sight... Pedro was flying with happy colours as they managed to avoid all of their deaths....

Linley in his mind was dead tired from all this, therefore, he fell asleep in his mother embrace as she kept crying...

Soon enough she fell asleep as well and took them inside for further examinations with the medics...

Pedro stayed there and never left from their sides, as he wanted to be with them till he really makes sure they are ok...

Two days have passed and Serena was waking up for a few hours feeding her little child...

Serena how do you feel did you check for anything difference..?? : Pedro

When they entered the hospital after a few hours she waked up again and saw Pedro with Linley speaking... she felt her body 15-20 times stronger than before and when she saw her hair she was stunned by its colour....

All her senses have been elevated up to 5 times higher and her Chakra reserves had become 10-15 times more of what she had... she was puzzled by this and when she looked at Pedro she also noticed that he had become 3-4 times stronger....

She didn't say anything and waited for him to speak as she could feel from the outside countless eyes watching her...

I feel great, I had a really nice rest... : Serena

Good good... How much do you know about the main clan's jutsus?? : Pedro

XMmn nothing much... why?? : Serena

He started whispering to her what happened as he hides himself from the windows, in order to avoid lip reading from others.. When she heard that Linley used an unknown jutsu that boosted the density of their bloodline she was shocked and then frowned...

I don't know why this much difference existed in our boosting since he used the same Jutsu on us but our point isn't that anymore... : Pedro

The Uchihas and the Anbus right?? : Serena

Pedro nodded to her... making both frowns.... Serena might have an idea of the huge gap in boosting but she didn't know the jutsu to confirm this, therefore she didn't say anything yet....

On the other side, Linley was having a party inside his mind....

[Hidden Quest : Gain The Attention Of All Major Powers In Konoha!! (Completed SSS) Rewards : 300.000 Points - 2 x Mystery Box - 10 x BloodLine Pills]

System why is it SSS furthermore what's with the Hidden Quest.... : Linley

[This Quest normally would have been activated in 8 years and after you graduated from the academy, but since Host did a stunt that with the grandest way possible and all powers learned that you might have a Jutsu to boost bloodline.... therefore it activated earlier and gained an SSS evaluation..]

Yeah so now I can put my grand plan in action.... : Linley

System buy me "Severing Pill" and "Thousand Leef Root" : Linley

[Afirmative.. Buying "Severing Pill" and "Thousand Leef Root" Y/N??]

As he was about to speak he suddenly choked his words... didn't I gained 2 x Mystery Boxes??? he screamed in his mind....

No no NO!! CANCEL IT...!!! USE THE 2 x Mystery Boxes!!! : Linley

[2 x Mystery Box = Opening... Done... Earth Affinity - Water Affinity - 5 x BloodLines Pills - 1 x Severing Pill - Structure Bone Manual]

He had one freaking thought.... I'm Rich!!!!