Chapter 13 : Scaring The Hell Out Of Everyone

System use on me the "Severing Pill" and buy me the "Thousand Leef Root" : Linley

[Buying "Thousand Leaf Root" 50.000 Points - Remaining 250.000 and Using "Severing Pill" on Host... Y/N???]

YES!!!! : Linley

[Bought "Thousand Leaf Root"..... Used "Severing Pill" on Host... You will feel in pain for 2 hours.. And your outside Body will expel all your Severing Bloodline along with the Uzumaki Cells...]

Eeehh.. wait..... Ughhhhaaaaaa : Linley

Uaauua uuaaauua aaahhhgu agu aaa... Linley from his pain both mentally and physically started crying awakening both his mother and his father as they didn't have 5 minutes who fell asleep...

What's wrong my baby??? : Serena

What's wrong why is he glowing at short intervals... : Pedro

Both of them almost found the answer a few second later when the saw their baby started bleeding from his nose, eyes, ears and expelling small amounts of blood....

They got scared which made them scream they thought he's dying... Pedro ran like a madman inside the hospital to find a nurse...

But before she could move a few meters the nurses came running as they heard the screams....

When they entered the room they were shocked to find out his crying mother with her baby in her arms that kept losing blood for no reason....

They started their medic Jutsus and started healing the baby but all it could do was easy a bit of his pain...

Linley was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak the only this he could hear was the countdown of the digital clock the system place for this reason....

Still 1:39 minutes fuck... he kept trying to rage inside him in order to stay awake.. he could hear his mother cries and feel his father anxiety as they didn't know what was going on...

The Anbu outside had already gone to inform of this to the Hogake... and similarly, the Uchihas had already gone to report this to their higher-ups.....

Both sides as they learned the news went there in person.. after 30 minutes or so they stormed the room inside seeing... 5 nurses healing him and lots of lots blood of the ground....

Uchiha Orion.. can you see what's going on??? : Hokage

I'm on it Hokage-sama... : Orion

He activated his Sharingan and looked towards Linley and moments later was shocked.... by what he was seeing.... This how is this possible....

Well... do you want to keep a crying mother to suspense for long?? : Hokage

I'm sorry I didn't mean it..... Did he activate from his bloodline some kind of Jutsu??? : Orion

Both Pedro and Serena tensed up when they heard this, and almost got scared when they heard the next part of his words...

Judging from your faces probably... well this is the recoil.... he overdraft his bloodline so much that his body is expelling its blood and cells..... : Orion

Boom all peoples mind exploded.... there is such a thing??? a jutsu that you pay with your bloodline..???

Serena had tears falling down and Pedro was trying his best not to collapse, Hokage was also speechless about it even the first Hokage didn't know such a Jutsu....

Linley had lost his senses from the pain he couldn't feel anything anymore the last thing he knew was that he had 50 minutes left.... now, how long ago was that... he didn't know!!!