Chapter 71 : Setting His Authority... 3

Everyone watched as Linley had a really scary smile at his face making everyone feel chilling to their backs especially Mito who felt his excitement...

Linley, what was the point of that?? : Serena

Yeah, you became like him Son... : Pedro

I'll explain this when we take care of Danzo... But first... Clone 5 go and retrieve all eyes of Uchiha that Orion had used in the secret lab inside Root... : Linley

He had a laboratory?? : Danzo

Wait, i don't know anything about that!!! : Danzo

I know... don't fret, i already said your crimes were taking a few drops of blood... : Linley

Then i'm going... : Linley Clone 5

Hiruzen after forcefully calming down and so did Tsunade and Mito they finally thought of something and Tsunade was faster in speaking up...

Linley, ho do you know all these?? : Tsunade

With a small trick of the clones making Shadow Clones and releasing them... : Linley

Doing that they can activate a hidden effect of the jutsu and transfer small amounts of information to the original meaning me... : Linley

So for 6 years it was like you were controlling Konoha... : Hokage

Nah, not really... Just small things... : Linley

What do you think we should do with Danzo?? : Mito

Hmm... Give me a bit... : Linley

System, is there a way to restore his arm and eye and perfectly blending the tine drops he had from Uchiha and Senju?? : Linley

[The drops he has will only give him a bit of better vision and a stronger body so its possible... The host will have to buy a Regenerative Pill at 50.000 Points in order to trigger those drops and help him recreate his arm and eye...]

Ugh... That expensive?? Can i also bind him with a seal like a servant to me?? : Linley

[Host will need 200.000 in order to buy a pill called... Binding Of The Livings... ]

Ugh... That's harsh... : Linley

After looking a bit at them making everyone tense before starting to speak to them...

Since you have a few drops of blood of Uchiha and Senju in you, i can use a pill to burn those and restore your eye and arm but i doubt it will be a peaceful solution... : Linley

You mean i will be burden with unimaginable pain?? : Danzo

Correct... However, there are 3 conditions and all of them must be agreed... : Linley

Speak... : Danzo

1) Return the dead bodies to their rightful clans, how you're gonna do it I don't care... 2) Mito will place a few seals on you if you ever walk outside of Konoha they will activate and take your life... 3) I want you to turn RooT into a ghost organization of Jonin level individuals... : Linley

What do you mean?? : Danzo

The Anbu responds to the Hokage... But the Ghosts will exist and respond for me... Naturally, you will get your rewards... : Linley

What rewards?? : Danzo

Apart from your arm and eye, the next person who will be Hokage... : Linley

Danzo and everyone opened their eyes wide open when they heard him offering the highest authority to him like it's nothing...

You... you... are you really gonna make the Hokage?? : Danzo

Yes... but only when you complete the turn over of the RooT, which in my estimation it will take 10 or so years... Can you handle it?? : Liney

Deal!!! : Danzo

Do the others have any objection?? : Linley

The others looked at him with mixed feelings why is he doing all that?? They all looked each other trying to take a decision... Serena spoke up at that moment...

Linley, why do you want to take the RooT?? : Serena

Because mom, along my travels many villages started activities indicating the second war is coming soon, possibly at the same time or a bit later after the Uzumaki Clan face their problems... : Linley