Chapter 72 : Rinnegan !!

Well, in the long run, you guys can decide about his fate but up till now the root has been trained and stayed loyal to him if we really go and kill him... : Linley

We might face a revolt internally harming our foundations and weakening us... : Hokage

Then i'm in agreement, i'll trust you Linley for this... : Mito

Then so am i... : Tsunade

Then what can i say?? : Hokage

Good, your verdict has come out... : Linley

Linley spoke in his mind with the system in order to buy the Pill and also told the system to skip confirmation and directly tell him it has been done and how many points he has left...

[Regenerative Pill has been Bought!!! Remaining Points 50.000....]

Linley took out the pill from his inventory and gave it to Danzo which in turn he swallowed it... After 2-3 minutes he started screaming in pain and smoke could be seen coming out of his missing eye and arm...

While all of them was watching in the process they were amazed how they could see his hand been regrow in notable speeds, after 2-3 hours he finally stopped moving and got up feeling his new hand and eye...

This... i have them back... thank you... : Danzo

Mito... proceed with the rest... : Linley

Sigh..... yes, yes... Danzo get down and take off the upper part which exposes your back... : Mito

Danzo did what she said and Mito bit her fingers as blood came out while she started drawing countless formulas which Linley was recording with his eyes... After 10 minutes the back of Danzo was bathed in bloody symbols...

Seal!!! : Mito

With Mito's command, all the symbols as if they had gained legs started moving and unifying with each other and created a triangle in his back while on the edges it had 3 Uzumaki clan symbols...

Done... : Mito

Well then now, Danzo you can leave complete your deal and i'll keep mine... : Linley

Danzo got dressed and left from there with a relieved expression as he was a different person making everyone be impressed at how someone can change like that, Linley turned towards the others...

Well, then now that we finished everything... Mito, mom, dad, Tsunade and Natsuhi all of us will go to our home... : Linley

I see... i'll keep an eye to Danzo movements for now... : Hokage

At that time the Clone 5 came back with 4-5 scrolls and gave them to the Original... As he put them in his inventory each clone touched 1 or two people and all of them vanished from there as Linley used his Hiraishin...

I can't believe i'm letting a kid do what he wants... Sigh... : Hokage

A war huh... Go and investigate all borders in the Land Of Fire... Jiraiya, Orochimaru... : Hokage

As he gave the command he heard a small YES before quite turned in the room, Linley had felt them but because Orochimaru will betray the Konoha he thought of making him think twice before he acts...

In the house of Linley all people waited for him to start speaking, Natsuhi didn't really pay that much attention to everything except the fact that he will do anything to protect them...

Ok, how about you speak about why you wanted the eyes...??? : Tsunade

It was for the sake of you people becoming stronger... : Linley

Mito thought hard about this and eventually, she came in the conclusion of a certain eye as he was looking at Linley...

You mean the Rinnegan?? : Mito

Yes, as i was in the mission in the land of bears, in the village of Natsuhi was hidden an incredible secret that if we don't become stronger, we all gonna die... : Linley

So who wants to activate a few pairs of Rinnegan?? : Linley