Chapter 89 : Meeting Pakura-Chan!!!

As Tsunade stayed behind and started speaking about Linley's deeds while Ise facing to girls had to pack everything on his own, Linley started searching the area for Pakura.

She was currently 9 years old and a few months, she was raised by the Suna and she was here probably for a mission.

He didn't have anything complicated in his mind, he simply wanted to place a Hirashin seal on her so that when a few clones disperse in the middle of the second war he would be able to find his lovers everywhere.

After searching high and low for almost an hour, he finally saw a few well-hidden people among the crowd of the villages here and there making weird hand signs...

They weren't seals as his eyes didn't pick them up in order to copy them, but pure hand signs, no it would be accurate to say that towards the other villagers they seemed like waving to someone.

Oh?? Now i wonder for whom those signs are... : Linley

Linley started following them from behind them in the true essence of being hidden and was led through a few grass fields.

There he spotted many kids which seem to be in battle and the leader of those kids was..... Pakura???

Wait, did the Sunagakure send here Genins?? And how come Pakura is their leader...?? Is she a Chunin??? : Linley

And what's worse it's raining so her Scorch Element isn't that refine as she is still young and was rendered useless... : Linley

Who is she fighting?? : Linley

Linley looked a bit more focused on the battles and could see she was fighting similar bandits like the ones he fought with Tsunade as they saved those kids...

Aaaah, so they are targeting Kids and then they torture them in obedience before placing them in the cages... : Linley

Wait?? Those shitheads want to torture Pakura-chan?? Not on my watch!!!! : Linley

Linley bent and took out from his pouch a small scroll before opening it, then he channelled a bit Chakra in it and a huge Fuuma Shuriken came out before grabbing it and jumped in the air...

Many of them got surprised when they saw someone in the air and even more so when he made a backflip and threw the shuriken at them...

As it was raining it was hard to see the Shuriken in which way it will come after them and before the managed to react they heard a sizzling sound before many of them felt a sharp pain...

Guuaaaaggg..... Aaarrgghhhhh, the sound was from the shuriken repelling the rain while the screams were from severing many hands and legs as it was a Shadow Shuriken, one visible and another hidden in the Shadows.

Linley used this chance to get close to Pakura and grabbed her hand as he imprinted her with Hiraishin mark...

Come this way!!! : Linley

He dragged her away and all other kids followed behind them as they went somewhere that wasn't in the radar of the bandits, after 10 minutes they stopped running as they found an abandoned house and entered inside...

Here all of you will be safe, damn those bandits they still loitering in these lands?? : Linley

Ummmnn, Sir thanks for the support, due to this rain i couldn't fight at all and if you hadn't shown up the worst would have happened... : ???

Don't worry about it, i hate bandits especially when they play with people lives!! : Linley

I'm Linley, what's your name?? : Linley

I'm Pakura, i leave here and there and always try to help others... : Pakura

Linley could see that she avoided telling him she was from Sunagakure and he didn't mind at all his objective has been completed, he couldn't care less about others...

Well, Pakura i helped you get far away from here but please leave again when the rain stops otherwise you won't be able to fight at all and the same thing will happen... : Linley

For now, we will stay here as many of them are tired... : Pakura

Good to hear, may we meet again... : Linley

Poof!!! a smoke burst from where he was as he had vanished from there leaving Pakura in a daze, he was a Shadow Clone??