Chapter 90 : Uneasiness!!!

Pakura as wet as she was from the rain, she was dumbfounded when Linley disappeared with a small poof...

It seems i was right not to tell him my origins... : Pakura

Damn this rain it totally made me wet and my scorch element is really powered down by at least 50%, if it wasn't for the mission not to reveal my skillset so openly i could kill those Bandits... : Pakura

Sigh.....Who the hell was that guy?? Linley?? I need to report this to the higher ups.... : Pakura

As Pakura was wiping herself from the wetness she was feeling, Linley on the other side of the plains was having a wryly face...

He didn't know why but for some reason he started feeling that something will happen, did he forgot anything??

This is weird why the hell do I feel this way?? : Linley

On the far side on the plains where the Village was situated, Tsunade and Fuso had bonded quite well and Ise had finished packing their pieces of stuff...

Isn't Linley late?? : Ise

Hmmm??? Worried over your brother in law?? : Fuso

As if!!!! I'm more worried if he scammed us and left us with false hopes... : Ise

As they kept bickering, Tsunade started feeling also a sense of uneasiness and activated her eyes, a few greys like rings appeared on her eyes ...

Her right eye was the simplified version while the left eye was the Rinne-Sharingan... Her abilities were with the normal Rinnegan had the ability to slow down or accelerate time while her right eye had the ability to revert time up to 10 seconds...

She slowly started getting used on the Paths with them and at the same time, she kept feeling something hidden in her left eye...

She had asked during their travel here Linley about it and she got a theory that maybe with the tomoes it might have a hidden function...

She knew that currently she was weak with her eyes but on all others aspects she was a monster...

Fuso and Ise felt the changes in Tsunade and couldn't help but gasp, Tsunade waved at them to keep quiet but at that moment Tsunade felt something in the middle of the Living room...

She turned around and saw a white like mass appearing from the ground before it got remoulded and a person appeared...

HHHIIIIIIIIIII I'm right here!!!!!!! : ???

The moment it appeared Tsunade grabbed the three off them and smashed the middle of the ground with her leg as she created a large crater!!!!

BoooooooooM!!!!! The sound was heard from miles away stunning even Linley who was rushing there and cursing his bad luck....

Fuck!!! It seems Zetsu or Madara came for Nagato and fell on Tsunade!!! : Linley

If they realise she has the Rinne-Sharingan with Zetsu abilities it would be easy to control her and use her for their future plans... : Linley

Damn it, i should have marked Tsunade as well... : Linley

Linley rushed forwards with the maximum speed he could master, on Tsunade's side the whole area had been turned upside down and thankful no one was hurt...

Tsunade was standing on a few dozens of meters with Fuso, Ise and Nagato who was crying in their arms as they were looking in the Crater...

Is this the place White Zetsu : ????

Hhhhm??? Oi W. Zetsu?? Oh?? It died just like that?? How much strength she put in her leg?? : ???

Who are you!!! : Tsunade

Me??? A young one like you wants to learn my name?? You have to know how to Dance for that... : ???

Tsunade was trying to see through the dust with the help of rain forgetting the fact that she was wet she focused her eyes in front of her but then she instantly felt his chakra spiked and was horrified when she heard his voice again!!

Fire Element : Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu!!! : ????