Chapter 230 : The Build Up!!!

Time passed and soon a week came by...

Konoha finally got info about the villages selecting spots for their own reasons in this upcoming war...

Hiruzen immediately called for a meeting and all-important figures gathered up as it was time for Linley to go and bind those places...

In the room of Hokage...

Tsunade's clone, Natsuhi's clone, Mito, Serena, Pedro, Hashirama, Madara, Tia, Ria, Mikoto, Minato, Izumi, Irina, Kushina and Izuna watched as more people tagged alone inside...

Aki, Yama and Nara along with Fugaku and Hyuga leader were there as more and more entered...

Such as the leader of the Hoki Clan, Inuzuka Clan, Kohaku Clan and more...

Surprisingly even Tobirama came as he is usually not present in these meetings...

Well, he doesn't have to as with Hashirama blabbing here and there he keeps learning everything...

I called everyone here as we have finally been informed that the other five villages have selected their secret spots... : Hiruzen

It's not that of a secret if all the Villages know. : Tobirama

No, but they will become secrets to the world as we will place Fuinjustsu all around them blocking even natural energy from flowing inside... : Linley

Is this a countermeasure from B. Zetsu to find them?? : Madara

Yeah, it will be quite annoying if he managed to move around exposing those places..." Linley

Anyway, when do we begin towards those locations?? : Hashirama

As soon as Linley is read... He can first build ours on the spot we will choose..." Hiruzen

I already have a perfect place for our spot so you don't have to worry about that..." Linley

Everyone looked at him and after a few seconds, he nodded and talked about a few more important things...

How to regulate the Anbu rotation where they would permanently look after those spots... : Hiruzen

There is no need for that, with the accumulation i have over Bloodlines i can constantly create clones and have them take the role... : Linley

Won't that be burdensome for you?? : C. Tsunade

No, this way i will have my consciousness clear leaving you and Natsuhi to take care of the little ones... : Linley

It would be best if we could end this war fast... : Shikaku

That will only happen if we deplete B. Zetsu's army and force him to retreat which will not be an easy foot... : Madara

So even after our rebirth wars are inevitable... : Izuna

People die every day from diseases to bandits... There was never peace to begin with... : Tobirama

Yeah, but for what is coming in the future we need to achieve it and work together... : Hashirama

Surprisingly he said that while being all gloomy showing how serious the situation was...

Anyway, all of you will continue to increase your strength and mastery over things that might help even a little... : Linley

As for the post and what is coming leave that to me... : Linley

As he said that his body flashed and vanished from the room while everyone sighed and then dismissed to prepare for the war...

A few months later, Linley had finally finished building up the last spot and reported back to the fine major Villages in the area...

They had done the best they could and as the Anbus arrived at their secret locations..

It was 3rd December of

The Second Shinobi World War officially started as various unknown Clans attacked villages under the eyes of the five nations...

And they all responded in kind as they send troops to their closest locations and retaliate against all adversaries...