Chapter 231 : The Second War!!


Hahahahaha is this how the desert in the country of Wind has become?? : ???

All the weak have gathered here!! : ???

Ora!! Ora!! Ora!! Ora!! Ora!! Ora!! Try and put a leash on us you fuckers!!! : ???

Hold them off!!! Wait till reinforcements come!!! : Sand Ninja

There won't be anyone coming here... We from the Hound Clan, experts in hunting will create a new Village rape your wives and daughters and create a new Village while killing them after they breed. : Hound Ninja

Sounds of angry roaaars resounded while Kunais and Shuriken ripped the sky and fell on their bodies only to do zero damage to them...

Hahahaha... It's useless our Bloodline uses Earth and Yang Elements as its birth making our bodies as strong as stones... Sharp weapons are useless!!! : Hound Ninja 2

Ugh... Wind Element!! Arrgg!!! : Sand Ninja

The whole area and troops of the Suna were in chaos as neither their wind element nor sharp objects did the trick while they kept hunting them one by one...

While their hands and feet did zero damage or they did self-damage as some of them got broken the moment they started fighting with Taijutsu...

They had come here to protect the nomads living in the desert and collecting various Ores from sand caves and secret locations but instead of protecting them, they are the ones who need protection...

Hurry up and kill them!! Catch their Kunoichi's Seal their Chakra and lets taste every inch of their bodies!!! : Hound Ninja

Yeah!! : Hound Ninja 2

Yeah!! : Hound Ninja 3

Yeah!! : Hound Ninja 4

Yeah!! : Hound Ninja 4

Ugh... PAKURA!!! : Sand Ninja

Yes Sir!! : Pakura

You are the only one here who can possibly escape... Rush back to the village and relay everything we learned and their ambitions... : Sand Ninja Leader

Take revenge for us... : San Ninja Leader...




Pakura's eyes started to get moisture as he heard all the screams coming from those getting killed while they started capturing her fellow Kunoichi and knew their fates...

She started running back while tears falling in her eyes...

A few ninja's manage to get in front of her while those behind her cursed as they wouldn't;t be able to save her from this distance...

Hahahaha, were do you think you are going you little slut!! : Hound Ninja

Open your legs for us!!! : Hound Ninja 2

Go to hell!!! : Pakura

Scorch Element : Great Steaming Explosive Blast No Jutsu!!! : Pakura

Pakura summoned and combined several of her flaming orbs to create a single massive one, which then violently exploded with enough force and power to incinerate a large area in front of her.

The two Ninja's fell down as they were engulfed by the explosion and became charcoal shocking the others...

CATCH HER!!! : Hound Ninja Leader

Pakura ran for her life as hate appeared on her face for being weak just that Jutsu now took more than half her chakra, add the fight they had before she barely has any left...

She needed to reach the village and warn them before they catch her otherwise her fate would be sealed...


The whole ground trembled as an earth-shattering sound immerged from behind her and looked at the horizon where she was smoke coming from there...

However, this small stop just costed her as from within the dessert two hound ninjas came out surrounding her as she took out her Kunais ready to fight a losing battle...

Hey, what happened back there?? : Hound Ninja

How should I know... Focus on your task... : Hound Ninja 2

Che... If you wanna get me prepare to die!! : Pakura

Bwahahahaha, and who is gonna kill us?? You?? : Hound Ninja

That was a good joke... : Hound Ninja

However, at that moment, a thud was heard as something landed between Pakura and them causing their eyes to widen...