New Beginnings (2)

She snorted before continuing. "Look I'm not going to pry in on your personal life or ask why you did it, but I will say this", she said as she put out her cigarette," Don't think you can pull that crap here because I won't hesitate to haul you off to jail you understand?"

I nodded my head and clutched the envelope against my chest.

She snorted again and stood up. She walked towards me and stood right in front of me with her chin lifted high as if to show she was intimidating me and she was not to be messed with.

She flicked the bud at my nose and snorted. "I'm not your friend nor your enemy, you may be staying here because your family but to me you're just a roommate, "she said bluntly looking me up and down, "an unwanted roommate but you're here now so stay out of my hair".

She walked towards a chair and picked up her purse and started to head out the room before stopping in the doorway. "look I don't have nothing against you Ty but I have my own problems to deal with and now I'm stuck with yours ok", she said.

She looked over her shoulder to give me one last look before turning back around.

"You might want to lose that black sweatshirt over your jeans you look like a serial killer walking down the street with that back pack," she said while she started to walk away, "and by the way that envelope is your schedule I suggest you keep your grades up if you want to stay here, that's my condition."

The front door slammed and the whole house was quiet. I heaved a whole sigh of relief thankful of her being gone.

I looked down at the envelope and opened it reading the name of the school at the top. "Olympic High School huh," I sighed.

I skimmed over the schedule as it consisted mainly of advanced placement classes. I shoved the paper back into the envelope. "One condition huh, what a joke", I laughed to myself as I looked around the living room.

I walked into the hallway and up the stairs and stopped in the dim looking hallway. The door to one room was slightly open, I can tell it was her room due to the slight mess of clothes on the floor and heavy smell of smoke emitting into the hallway.

Across the hall appeared to be another room. I opened the door to a medium sized room with boxes stacked neatly into the corner.